It's a joke till it's not

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~Chapter 46~
                It's a joke till it's not

Chases POV:
I really shouldn't get involved with what Charlis about to tell me. I told myself I'd stay away from her and I meant it this time.  But what else am I supposed to do? Tell her to leave? Well... I guess I can... it would just be rude. I don't want to be rude to her but I have no other choice do i?

Chase: "um... I was actually saving this seat for one of my friends..."

Oh my god i feel terrible

Charli: "oh."
She laughed awkwardly

Charli: "sorry"
She stood up

Chase: "sorry"

She turned around and started walking away sadly

Ah fuck.

Chase: "but, he can find somewhere else to sit"

She turned around and smiled

I couldn't. I couldn't do it. I was so close but I just couldn't.

She quickly sat down next to me again

Charli: "you sure?"

I nodded

It's 15 minutes. What's the worst that can happen.

The bus started driving

Charli: "okay..."
She shifted in her seat uncomfortably

Charli: "so when I say this you can't judge me. You don't know how my life is and so you can't say anything"

I thought she asked for my opinion but okay. I would never judge her.

Charli: "I-"
She broke I contact with me and looked at her feet

Charli: "Justin and I are- he's trying to get me pregnant"

I slapped my hand over my mouth and laughed

Chase: "okay Charli, tell me the your real problem"

She looked at me and she was dead serious
I shook my head

Charli: "it's true..."

What the fuck?! She cannot be serious-

Charli I love you but this isn't it.

Charli: "don't judge me, I just needed to tell someone. I kinda assumed he had already told you but I guess not"

This has me asking so many questions but the main one is why?!

I sat there still in shock

Chase: "I'm sorry but that's the stupidest thing I've heard in- ever"

She stood up and I grabbed her arm

Chase: "sit down. I'm not done"

I don't care how much it hurts her to hear this but she is not getting pregnant. She needs to hear me out.

I pulled her back down

Charli: "I don't want your opinion Chase!"
Chase: "it's not my opinion! It's common sense!"

Nobody gets pregnant on purpose in
High school!?

Chase: "I don't know what bull crap he is feeding into you but trust me when I say, Justin does not wanna get you pregnant."

Having a kid means being committed to a relationship. Justin cheats on Charli all the time, I may not have proof but I know it. And If he had a kid he would have to be committed to one girl. That's not him, I know him and I know him better then Charli knows him.
I've known him a lot longer.

Charli: "yes he does, he told me"

Poor Charli. Being manipulated by Justin. They have a toxic relationship, having a kid is not how you fix that.
The best thing they can do for their relationship is break up.

Chase: "who cares what he told you. Why do you wanna do this??"

I am so confused at this point. There's so many reasons for her not to do this yet she still wants to do it. Also isn't she a virgin?? Her first time is gonna be Justin getting her pregnant?

Charli: "because if I don't I'd have nothing. He said he'd break up with me, and I know I won't find anyone else to love me because my life's a mess so I might as well just have a kid a few years earlier"

Charli I love you! I love you more then Justin ever has! Why can't you see that.
Justin doesn't love you, I do.

Chase: "you wouldn't have nothing. you'd have me"

She sighed

Charli: "you're not enough..."


Chase: "charli... listen... you've got your entire life in-front of you... you're smart, so smart. You can't throw your life away for him. You're gonna go to university, you're gonna get a great job, you're gonna be successful. Then you'll find someone because all the guys will be lining up for you, and maybe 10 years from now you'll have a kid if you want. But not now. Now you gotta focus on you. Not Justin, not a baby, you."

She smiled and slowly nodded

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me, I hugged her back

Charli: "you really think all the guys will be lining up for me?"
Chase: "there will be too many, you wont even know who to pick"

She smiled and laughed

Charli: "thank you."

She pulled away from me

Charli: "I'm glad I got your opinion"
Chase: "again, Not my opinion just common sense"

She smiled

I love her smile.

I hope she takes what I said into consideration because who knows I might be wrong. Justin could wanna get her pregnant if it means having sex with her. But if she really does get pregnant... there's no way Justin would be involved in the kids life...

After a few minutes of us talking
The bus stopped and everyone got off
The teachers led us inside the hotel and we got to the lobby to get the keys for our rooms.

I guess the school is low on budget.
This hotel is small. Really small. The top floor is reserved for our school. The top floor is the 9th floor. 9 floors? Seriously? I guess this is more of a small building then a real hotel.

We all took the stairs to get to the top floor and once we arrived the teachers started handing out keys


She looked at me and I prayed she wouldn't ask me. Please. Go with your friends. Anyone but me.

Charli: "I know this is kinda weird but do you wanna get a room with me?"

Almost chapter 50 😏👏
Cant wait

Thank you guys so much for 15k reads!! I really don't understand why so many people read this, like I am actually clueless but thanks!

Word count - 1046

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