He cares too much.

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~Chapter 61~
           HE CARES TOO MUCH

Ah sorry for posting late! I fell asleep!

Charlis POV:
God I'm so embarrassed.
So so embarrassed. I'm not like that. I don't do that stuff around guys I'm not dating. I don't know what got into me.
I'm glad chase stopped me because I probably would have done it if he didn't. I make impulsive choices and I end up regretting them. I'm not gonna lie it felt great, that's probably why I wanted to continue.

Uhh. Why does this happen to me? How come the only time I want to continue is when it's not Justin? Well I guess I can be thankful for that. It would have been 10 times more painful if Justin took my virginity then left me because he got what he wanted.

I laid my head in my pillow and pretended I was asleep. I pretended to fall asleep an hour ago and chase is I still here, petting my hair. I'm not gonna lie I kinda like it, it southing. It's kinda calmed me down.

When he finally stopped petting my hair it was 2:00am. His parents must me so worried.

They're gonna hate me even more.

When I thought he was done he lightly put traced his fingers on the bruises on my back

Least he think I'm asleep. Now he can't ask.

Chase: "Charli I know you're fake sleeping. You might be a good liar but you aren't a good fake sleeper"

He knew this whole time??

Chase: "this one's new. This bruise. Don't you dare tell me you fell because I don't believe anyone in the world is that clumsy"


Chase: "who did this to you Charli? You can fake sleep all you want but I know you're awake."

He put his fingers on another bruise on my neck

Chase: "it wasn't Justin. It was never Justin was it? You haven't seen him in weeks. It couldn't have been Justin"


Chase: "unless... you're back with Justin."

I quickly turned around and opened my eyes

Charli: "I am not with Justin??"
Chase: "knew that would get you to wake up"


Chase: "tell me Charli. Who did this. It may have not been my place before to ask, but it is now. I have a duty as your boyfriend to help you if you're in trouble and I believe you're in trouble"

Why is he doing this??

Charli: "we're faking remember! You said it your self! I'm not your girlfriend. So no it is not your duty to do anything"

Why does he even care about this?!

Chase: "If you don't tell me then I'm telling someone. You either tell me or you tell the police."

What the hell?! What is wrong with him!

Charli: "I fell okay?? Just believe me or get out of my house!"

Why's he pressuring me to do things?? I don't wanna tell him??

Chase: "Charli listen. I wouldn't do this normally. But it's gotten to a point where this is extremely serious. Every time I see you, you have a new injure. I don't think you understand how serious this is because you've clearly put up with it for so long. Your body can only take so much, and I know your scared and you don't want anything bad to happen to the person who did this but you gotta say something. It's only a matter of time before your body can't take anymore."


Charli: "go"

He nodded

Chase: "okay."

Didn't think he'd say yes that easy?

Chase: "Il go"

Good. I don't wanna talk about this so he can't force me to.

Chase: "to the police station."

Oh my god. Why can't he just give it up?? Why does he even care?! It's not his problem it's mine.  I don't want him to be the one to send me to foster care. Even if I told him what was going on, he'd see me differently. He'd pity me.

Charli: "ok you wanna know the truth? Fine. Il tell you."

I would feel bad lying to him so Il half lie. I just know he won't leave till I give him something.

Charli: "when I said I fell I didn't lie. But you're right. I didn't fall for no reason. I'm not that clumsy."

He nodded and I appreciated the fact that he didn't rub it in my face, telling me he knew it

Charli: "you know how I'm always more energetic in the day and more tired at night?"
Chase: "yeah"

I can't believe I'm about to tell him this.

Charli: "it's because of alcohol. I take 3 bottles a day and now sometimes 4.  And before you freak out telling me it's not healthy, I don't care. It's what makes me feel better."

He looked shocked

Charli: "so yeah. That's the reason I fall a lot. I trip over air, I fall down the stairs, I fall on the concrete, I fall all the time and that's were I get my injuries"

Well some of that wasn't a lie, I do drink a lot and I do fall a lot.

Fall, pushed.
What's the difference

Chase: "you need help"

Onto another thing he's worried about.

I shook my head and pushed him to the window

Charli: "look I know your worried about me but no. I don't need help. I'm good."

It's not even that much if you think about it, it's 90% water. Meaning I'm basically having 300ml of alcohol a day. That's just barley 1 cup.

Chase: "I'm worried about you"

I shook my head

Charli: "don't be. I'm fine now go. It's 2 in the morning. You're parents are gonna be worried."
Chase: "fine but we are not done. This is a serious issue."

I rolled my eyes

Charli: "go!"

He climbed out of my window and I sighed in relief.

I hated lying to him but it's all I could do.

My phone buzzed.

I looked down at it and it was from Justin-

Oh god. What does he want??

"I know it's late but I can't sleep. Need to talk to you"

Justin confronts one of the bullies 😧😧 TW: EMOTIONAL

I know I know you guys are probably so bored of this book. Don't worry. Things are happening soon. Real things. I mean it

Word count - 1048

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