Can't resist

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                    ~Chapter 102~

Charlis POV:
When I got home the day Bentley went to jail, I took some time to think.

What are the differences between Bill and I, and Bentley and I.

Bill likes to do sexual things with Children. (Me)

Bentley also likes to do that.

Bill tried to take advantage of me by manipulating me into thinking he was a good person.

Bentley also did that. I believed it.

Bill sexually assaulted me...

And so did Bentley... just in a different way...

I wish I could see it before... I was blind to what was right in front of me. Bentley liked me. And I didn't realize it then but liking me is the same thing as liking a teenager. My age is a part of me. It's part of who I am and it always will be. Your age is part of who you are.
And not only did he know that but my age was one of his favorite things about me.

He's probably done this to other girls.
I really did like him and I was too blinded by that to see everything else.

Chase: "hey can I come to your house"

I turned to him and sighed

Charli: "you're so sweet. You really are...  but today I let my emotions cloud my judgment..."

He knows we can't be friends...

Charli: "I'm sorry... we can't be friends because we both know how that's gonna turn out..."
Chase: "oh... I guess... you're right...:"

I feel really bad. He's been here for me but we cannot be friends. We can't be friends with our history.

Charli: "I hope you understand... right now I'm in no place to be with another guy even if that other guy is you..."

He nodded

Chase: "I completely understand. You don't need to explain"

I'm glad he does... right now I just wanna be my old self again and I need to find it before I can date someone else.

Charli: "thank you."

I began walking the direction of my house then I stopped and turned around
He was still standing there
I walked back toward him and sighed

Charli: "but you are my only friend right now... and I need you... so if you promise this wont turn to something more then you can come over"

I have to. He's been here this whole time and he lost all his friends for me. He has no one else because once again, he picked me over everything.

He smiled

Chase: "I promise"

Good. I really did not want to be alone in the house with Bill.

Chase: "but if you fall in love with my charm, it's not my fault"

I rolled my eyes and hit him in the shoulder

Charli: "I will try not to. Its gonna be hard though"
Chase: "It will be hard"

We began walking in the direction of my house

Charli: "Could we actually go to your house?"

I mean, why wouldn't we. Why am I choosing to go to my house when we could just go to his.

Chase: "yeah sure"

We switched directions and started walking to his house
As we were walking some people came up beside us

here we go again.

Justin: "heard your speech in the cafeteria today. I must say, you do whatever it takes to defend this slut"

He pointed at me and I rolled my eyes

Charli: "You're a man whore. So why don't you do us all a favor and shut the fuck up?"

he's so annoying. What did I ever even see in him?

Justin: "You sure have some nerve after sleeping with a teacher, probably for better grades"

All his friends laughed

Charli: "I have some nerve? Do your friends know how many texts I've gotten from you begging for me back? "Charli please baby take me back" "I love you so much Please Char" "I need you to live, I cant breath without you""

all his friends slowly stopped laughing at me and looked at Justin

Charli: "I've had to block you 6 times because you kept making more accounts to message me on"

He is literally a stalker.

Justin: "that's not true"

I laughed again

Charli: "you want me to pull up the texts right now? because I will"
Justin: "No!- oh- I mean- it's not true- you probably photoshopped them or something"

I grabbed Chase's arm and pulled him away with me

Chase: "Damn. Go off I guess"

I smiled

Chase: "did he really send that many messages"
Charli: "Yup"

it was exstausting

once we arrived at his house we got to the door then he stopped me

Chase: "Okay so i know this is a huge favor and it might be weird but we moved back here for you... and i sorta told my parents we were dating because if we moved back for nothing, what if they wanted to go back to kentucky?"

He told them we were dating- seriously?

Chase: "So just prentend we are if they say anything please"


he opened the door and we walked inside the house, there were still boxes everywhere and it was sorta a mess

his mom looked up and saw us

MIss hudson: "Charli, hello"

I waved and smiled

Charli: "Hey"

She walked up to me

Miss Hudson: "listen, i just want to apologize for everything i said to you before-"
Charli: "no its okay"

well. its not really okay. she made me feel really bad about myself. but I dont wanna be rude.

Miss hudson: "no it's not okay. I was completely immature and I was so rude to you when all you were doing was making my son happy. None of the stuff I said was personal, i just didn't want my son to get hurt"

I smiled slightly

Miss hudson: "and we came back here because now I know how much you love him and I know that sometimes you only get that once in your life.  I'm so glad to see you two back together
and in love, it makes me so happy"

Aw yes back together 😃😃😃

Anyways so I think unfortunately this will be my last book. I hate to say it but I think it might be. I love writing and it will be so hard to stop but it's exhausting to write every day. So maybe I will make another book, but I won't post as often. I don't know. We will see. Comment your opinions please.

Word count - 1087

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