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~Chapter 76~

Chases POV:
She's kicking me out. Are you serious. Are you actually serious.

This is horrible?! Not only did she figure out I'm still dating Charli but now she knows I lost my virginity to Charli?? She's actually gonna kill me.

Oh god. This is horrible. I'm gonna be homeless. My parents have never done this before, they've never been this angry with me. Il never understand why they even are mad at me but they are, and there's nothing I can do.

Chase: "mom you can't do that?"

This is so embarrassing. My mother just walked in on me fucking Charli. What could be worse than that.

Miss Hudson: "so what now? She's manipulated you into this? And you're believing it?"

Manipulating me?? Is she serious?? Charli is sitting right next to me can we not talk about this right now

Chase: "no one manipulated anyone. We both decided on it"

I looked at Charli and she looked scared
I grabbed her hand from under the covers

She walked up to Charli and charli pulled the blankets up more and gripped it tighter

Miss Hudson: "you get away from my son!"

I grabbed my boxers off the floor and quickly put them on. I walked over to the other side of the bed and stood in front of Charli

Chase: "no. You don't talk to her. You wanna talk to someone? Talk to me. You want to be mad at someone? be mad at me. Not her. I wanted this, she wanted to break up but I wouldn't let her"

She pushed me to the side

Miss Hudson: "you ruined him! We had a sweet boy before then you came and ruined him?! He changed because of you?!"

Charli just sat there nodding along

Chase: "stop it?? She didn't do anything??"

She grabbed Charlis face and squeezed it

Miss Hudson: "you ruined him. You manipulated him. You can't just show up and date him because I know you're just gonna hurt him?! He doesn't know any better! You're gonna use him and then throw him away like I'm sure you do with a lot of boys! You took his virginity and now you're just gonna hurt him?! What kind of person does that!?! YOU RUINED MY SON!"

She thinks I'm ruined...

Charli sat there in complete silence with just a frown on her face

I turned to my mother and her anger slowly turned into sadness as she looked at Charli

Miss Hudson: "what am I becoming..."
She whispered silently

Is she finally seeing it too?
The monster she is turning herself into?

She quickly pushed passed me and left the room

I looked at Charli and quickly sat down next to her

Chase: "are you okay?"
Charli: "was she right? Did I ruin you?"

I quickly shook my head

Chase: "you didn't ruin me Charli."
I laughed

Chase: "You fixed me"

She did fix me. I'm not gonna lie, before this I was driving myself crazy. I was searching for a reality out the fiction I created in my head. I lived inside my own head. I felt... alone... I always did. I was always lonely until she loved me back. She loved me back to life.

She smiled then leaned her head
Into my shoulder

Chase: "I'm really sorry about her..."
Charli: "it's not you're fault. I can't blame you for your parents mistakes"

I wrapped my arm around her body and slide my hand down her arm

Chase: "you kept me going Charli."
Charli: "please don't leave me"

I kissed her forehead

Chase: "I wouldn't if I didn't have to"

She sighed

Charli: "now can we talk about how you didn't lock the door?!"
Chase: "I forgot! I'm sorry!"

She's right, none of this would have happened it I locked the door.

I'm still not sure if weather my parents are kicking me out or not. She sorta just left.

Charli: "im humiliated! How are you not?!"
Chase: "I am!"

Of course I am?? My mom just saw me inside of Charli!? She thought I was a virgin and she walks in to see that!

Chase: "I'm sorry. I should have locked the door"
Charli: "it's fine it was a mistake. You were distracted. Cant blame you because I was the distraction"

I laughed

Chase: "let's just forget that ever happened okay?"
Charli: "agreed. I do not wanna re-live that moment. But I do wanna re-live the moment before that"

I smirked and nodded

Chase: "I do too"

I moved my arms to her neck and kissed her

Chase: "Il lock the door this time"
Charli: "you go do that"

After Charli and I finished... stuff.  Charli was laying in my bed asleep

We're both pretty tired, let's just say... we tried out a lot of new stuff... it was great.

My parent's haven't bothered us yet. Maybe they are finally realizing what they've been doing to me is absolutely crazy? I don't know if maybe they are being more protective over me because my sisters recently moved out or they just don't want me to be happy. Either way it's making me crazy and I can't stand being around them any more, they think I've changed but I haven't. They have.

I looked at Charli and she was still asleep so I stood up and walked over to my drawer. I looked in the mirror and noticed my whole lip bleeding-

She really likes to do that doesn't she.

I pulled my diary out of the drawer and sat back down on the bed
I grabbed a pen and started writing

                   Dear Diary,
It's been a while since I've written which is pretty crazy because I used to write everyday. Writing used to be a comfort to me because I got to imagine all the things I didn't have. I got to fantasize about the one person I wanted. But now  I don't have to fantasize, because I have the one person I've always wanted...
I have a feeling Il be writing a lot more soon... I don't wanna move... Soon Il have to say goodbye to Charli. How can I do that? I don't think I can. She's the love of my life. The only thing keeping me from completely falling apart is the fact that I know Il see her again one day.
Il find her and I'll put a ring on her before anyone else does.

Welp, he does find her 10 years from now but she already got a ring on her. 4 actually. Widowed 3 times 🤷‍♀️

This must be so confusing for you if you didn't read love affair😭

I guess you can read this book without reading love affair. so, sorry for spoiling love affair to the people who haven't read it. Also when you do read love affair, get ready for a down grade in the writing in the beginning 😭

Word count - 1161

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