The best I've ever had

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~Chapter 70~

⚠️ SMUT⚠️

Chases POV:
Well. Here goes nothing. I really hope this doesn't hurt her, I know it will. Like a lot. But I hope it doesn't. I don't know if Il be able to go through with this if she starts crying. I know she can take the pain but everyone's different, it might be unbearable pain, how could I be the one who causes her that?

I looked down at her and kissed her quickly on the lips

Chase: "I'm gonna ask you this one more time, are you sure? Because this might hurt a lot and If you aren't sure then I don't wanna do that to you"

She shook her head

Charli: "I am sure. I know it'll hurt but Il tell you if I can't take it. Just go slow at first okay?"
Chase: "of course"

She quickly raised her eyebrows

Chase: "what? What's wrong?"
Charli: "please tell me you have a condom"

Shit. I forgot about that??

I grabbed my wallet from the front seat and opened it, I looked through it and smiled as I pulled out a single condom.

Chase: "it's expired by 3 years but it'll be fine? Right?"

She laughed and nodded

Charli: "yeah I think it'll be fine."

I ripped open the package with my teeth and pulled it out. I put it onto myself and got back on top of her

Chase: "okay. I'm ready. You ready?"

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes tightly

Charli: "more ready than Il ever be"

I took her hand in mine and intertwined our fingers together. I squeezed her hand

Chase: "it's gonna be okay? I'm gonna do it now"
Charli: "okay"

well, here goes nothing. Sorry god.

I took a deep breath and lined myself up when her. I very slowly pushed myself inside of her and she squeezed my hand very tight-

I hate that this feels amazing- 

I put my other hand in her hair as I slowly pushed myself further inside of her- she squeezed her eyes tighter together

Jesus Christ Charli you feel amazing. I hate that you're in pain but I wish you could feel what I feel.

I really wish the roles were reversed.

I continued to push further inside of her  as she squeezed my hand so tight I think it lost circulation

Chase: "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry"

She shook her head

Charli: "I'm okay. Just keep going. Distract me. Kiss me"

I brought my face down to hers and pressed my lips against hers slowly. She placed one of her hands on my face.

I thrusted myself a bit further inside and she bit down on my lip as she kissed me-


Charli: "oh god I'm so sorry!"
Chase: "don't be. I'm good"

I continued to kiss her and I tasted the blood coming from my lip.

Il be fine. It's nothing compared to what I'm doing to her.

We kept kissing despite the salty taste of blood we were consuming.

I pushed the rest of myself into her and I accidentally let out a groan into her mouth

I covered my mouth quickly

Charli: "-it's okay- you're- you're allowed to enjoy this"
She said in pain and I immediately felt bad

Charli: "I- want you to enjoy this"

I really wish I wasn't enjoying this.

She kissed me again lightly

The hardest part is over with. Now I guess this is the part where I start moving? So is that gonna hurt more or less for her?

Charli: "you can move now"
She said calmed down a bit

Chase: "okay."

I moved my other hand from her face to her other hand

I began to push out of her and my eyes widened

Chase: "Jesus Charli"
I whispered under my breath

I pushed back into her and she arched her back into me

I slipped one of my hands off her hand and under her back keeping it arched as leverage

I pushed back into her and she seemed to be in a little less pain than she was before

Chase: "you doing a little better?"

She nodded and grabbed my face then pulled it down to hers, we didn't kiss. We just stared at each other as I thrusted in and out of her slowly. Our lips weren't together but they were touching.

Charli: "you can go faster"

I actually don't know if Il be able to last that long.

I pushed myself in and out of her a little bit faster than I watched her reaction

Charli: "this doesn't actually feel that bad anymore. It still hurts a lot but- it also feels kinda- good?"

Oh thank god, I can stop feeling bad about this feeling the best I've ever felt in my entire life.

I began to move a bit faster and she gasped loudly, our lips connected again but our kisses became sloppy because soon enough we were both gasping too much to even keep our mouths together.

I placed my palm above her onto the window as I thrusted faster in and out of her.

Chase: "I love you"
I said panting and kissing her

Chase: "words- can't explain- it"
I kissed her down to her neck

She smiled and brought her legs around me, and her arms around my neck. I began to go a little bit faster as she dig her nails into my back.  We tried to connect our lips once more but it was becoming impossible to keep our mouths together.

the next few minutes were a blur of moans, kisses, sweat, hands, and mouths.

I began to move a little slower as I reached my climax. I fell on top of her and rested my head on her chest.

I moved us so she was on top of me

We both said nothing for a solid 3 minutes just catching our breaths
I played with her hair and watched her chest rise and fall.

I hope that didn't hurt too bad for her.

Chase: "are you okay?"
Charli: "I'm great actually. It was painful at first but by the end of it most of the pain turned into pleasure"

I smiled.

I'm glad she adjusted quickly. I thought it would take a couple more times for it to stop hurting.

Chase: "so was it good?"

It was great to me, I just hope it was great to her too

Charli: "the best I've ever had"
She smiled

also the only she's ever had LOL

I hope you guys kinda enjoyed the first smut of the book, I'm a horrible smut writer so id understands if you absolutely hated it. This one will be longer than the ones I might write in the future only because it is their first time

if you decided to skip the smut then sorry because you got no chapter today LMAO 😭

word count - 1161

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