One sided

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                     ~Chapter 13~
                       ONE SIDED

Charlis POV:
I wasn't trying to make it look like I was using him or anything... what I was trying to say is that I wanna spend my life with him, he is my future, and yeah maybe it's because I'm a little broke but it's also because I wanna live with him. I'm choosing him because I know that I will marry him one day, I know we will have a life together someday in the future so might as well start it soon. I mean, who else could love me after everything that's happened to me. I carry too much baggage. I'm afraid if Justin knew everything then he wouldn't want me anymore...

I was left at the table with Justin's friends staring at me and Chase writing in his diary.

I looked at him and he looked up at me

Charli: "I know what it looks like but I swear- I'm not using him"
Chase: "never said you were, you're an independent girl. You don't need his money"

You know what he's right. I can be independent. I am independent, I've been alone my whole life. Yeah sure I've lived with my parents my entire life but they haven't been here. They don't care about me so I've had to do everything alone. When I was 10 I had a full-time job because my parents didn't wanna get off their asses and do something. I was paying the rent with my 3 jobs. I worked for years until my mom started to get her boyfriends to pay for things.

If I could live in a toxic household my entire life then I can save up to buy myself an apartment.

I put my hands through my hair and Chase looked at me weirdly-

Chase: "what is that?"
He asked pointing at my head

I put my hand on my head and felt the cut that I got from my mom a few months ago
It got infected so I had to stitch it up, bill helped me a bit too, I told him I fell. He's actually a doctor. I guess that's why he makes so much money. That's probably also why my mom is dating him, which is a shame because what I've learned in the past 2 months is that he's actually a really nice guy... he's like the dad I never had... he's really nice to my friends too, everyone loves him and for the first time ever I hope my mom keeps this boyfriend around.

Charli: "oh, I fell and I had to get stitches"

He nodded then looked at me weirdly

Why is he looking at me like that

He wrote something in his diary quickly then ripped it out

He folded the paper and gave it to me-
He picked up all his food and walked away

What is this.

I unfolded the paper and read it

"Use it when you need it.
1+ 579 637 9764"

What?? Why is he giving me his phone number- does he know- no?? He can't know?! It's only a scratch- oh. He thinks Justin did this?? Is he joking?? He's not serious. He really thinks Justin would do this to me? Hurt me?? Again?!

I rolled my eyes and stood up. I folded the paper and put it in my pocket

I'm gonna throw this out once I find a garbage

I stood up and walked back to my table.
I sat down and started eating my lunch

Chases POV:
                Dear diary,
I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. She lied. She said she fell but if you think about it that doesn't make sense at all. There's a cut in her forehead, you don't get cuts from falling. Unless you fall on a piece of glass or something sharp. She's been hiding the cut with her hair for weeks now. Justin did this to her, didn't he? I really don't want to think this but what else am I supposed to think when she lies about what happened to her?
I gave her my phone number because there was nothing else I could've done. If Justin hurts her, I have no proof? Unless Charli's ready to confess which she's not I have no evidence. I gave her my phone number so she knows she has someone to talk to. So she knows she isn't alone.

I stopped writing and I put my book in my bag. The bell rang for the end of lunch so I walked to class.

After school ended I walked out of the school to the front yard. I started walking over to the side of the school to  get my bike- only to see Justin talking with another girl

She was on the wall and his arms were on both sides of her

He quickly looked over at me then looked back at the girl-

Who is that?? And what does he think he's doing??

I walked over and stood right beside them

They both looked at me

Justin: "Chase go?"

No, I will not leave?? I'm not gonna let him cheat on her?!

Chase: "what do you think you're doing."
Justin: "Nothing just go"

I shook my head

Chase: "do you want me to get Charli? Because I will. She loves you and this is what you're doing?"

He rolled his eyes and shood off the girl
She quickly left

Justin: "relax I'm just having fun, you know how long it's been since I've done that?"

No, and I don't care

Justin: "5 months. I have been waiting for Charli to be ready for 5 months. But all she does is make excuses. That isn't fair. It's like I'm the only one making sacrifices for this relationship? it's unfair"

Chase: "you know what's not fair?? How you're treating the girl that you love like shit, maybe if you weren't so concentrated on fucking her then you'd see that she's the most perfect girl in the world and she's more than just her body?? So stop trying to cheat on her! Stop hurting her! And love her like I love her!!"

damn Chase, go off 😦

Anyways thank you so much for 3k!! I am so grateful for all your reads, comments and votes! I'm glad you guys are liking the book!

Word count - 1066

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