Make her smile

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~Chapter 23~

Chases POV:

Dear diary,
It's been a full 17 hours since I've last written in this diary but I got a lot to say. Just when I thought my life was going back to boring old normal Charli comes up to me. Charli comes up to me and tells me to tell the girl I love the that I love her. I love you Charli! Isn't it obvious! I drew you that drawing! Those were my words coming out of Justin's mouth! I wish she could see that I'm here... I exist... I'm an option. She just doesn't know it. And that gets me thinking, maybe I should tell her? Tell her the truth, my truth. What's the worst that could happen? She could stop hanging out with me, she could stop talking to me? she could hate me...
I don't know what to do. I really don't.

I quickly finished writting and in my diary and put it in my bag

I watched Charli walk with Justin

Treat her right Justin. Please make her happy.

I just want to see her smile. That's all I want for her, it's all I've ever wanted. It would feel nice to know she was smiling because of me but that doesn't matter. As long as she's smiling. As long as she's happy.

They walked off to his car and I turned around. Looks like I'm biking home.

On my injured leg...

I walked to the bike station and my bike was on the ground from before
I picked it up and got on it

I started riding it back to my house

Charlis POV:
I really just wanted to say thank you to Chase for everything, I don't know why he was so nice to me. But I needed it because if one more person would have called me an attention seeker I would've cracked. But he didn't do that. He let me in and he made his house my own... and even though Justin doesn't believe what happened to me was true, maybe he will give me some sympathy...after all he is letting me stay at his house so he must believe me at least a little?

He parked the car in front of his building and we both got out of the car.
We walked to the front door of the building and went up to his floor.
Once we got there he opened the door and we both went inside.

I love coming to his house, he doesn't invite me often to some reason but it's so nice over here. He has a fire place and nice windows viewing the entire city.
Its great here

We walked into to the living room and both his parents were on their computers

Charli: "would they mind if I-"
Justin: "no, they don't even notice who stays here. You don't have to ask"


Both his parents turned around and glared at me

What the-
Do they not like me? Is that why Every time I come here they stare at me?! Is that why I only get to come over like once a month? Cause his parents don't like me??

Charli: "are you sure they are okay with me staying? I don't know how long it'll be till I can go back... I don't know if I can ever go back..."

Thinking about it... what if my mom never breaks up with him? What if she's with him forever, and for the rest of my high school life, I can't go back? What will I do. I don't have money, I don't have a job, I don't have anything. And it's not like I can stay at Justin's for 2 years? I don't know what to do...

This is a good short term plan but what's the long term one?

The more people say it the more part of me believes that maybe I am taking this to far? I know the household I live in is abusive and I've learned to cope with it, to be okay with it so what's a little more abuse for a few more years...

I wanna get away from there and I want to start my own life but what if I can't do that without my parents... what if I really do turn out to be a failure because I couldn't take just a little bit more pain. I've come this far?

It's not really that bad now that I think of it... he just- he grabbed my leg and maybe he grabbed it a little too far up... it could have easily been an accident...

Justin waved his hands in front of my face

Justin: "hello? Charli? Are you okay?"

I snapped out of my thoughts

Charli: "yeah I was just thinking..."

Before I know it, I look up and both his parents are in front of me-

Charli: "Oh hi mister and miss Mayer, I really appreciate you letting me stay here"
I smiled

They looked confused

Mister Mayer: "Justin never told us anything about you staying here?"


Miss Mayer: "sweetie where is your mother? Does she know you're here?"

I shook my head

Justin: "Charlis got some stuff going on at home, she's staying for a bit"
Mister Mayer: "what stuff?"

He seems not so happy I'm staying...

Charli: "I prefer not to sa-"
Justin: "Charli was apparently, how do you say it? Sexually harassed?"

I put my face in my hands

Charli: "tell everyone why don't you"

I really don't want anyone else knowing this... it's just another person to acuse me of lying... I don't appreciate him telling his father that like it was a normal day to day conversation...
I also don't appreciate how he told someone without even asking me

Miss Mayer: "I am sorry that happened to you dear, stay as long as-"
Mister Mayer: "if you were wearing anything like that, you were looking for it"

He laughed
I didn't and neither did anyone else

Was that supposed to be a joke?
First off why is he making jokes out of my trama? And second why is he blaming it on me? His joke is that my clothes are the reason I was harassed?

Miss Mayer: "Gerard!"
Mister Mayer: "as someone who's been in this world a whole lot longer then you young lady, let me tell you something"

He placed his hands on my shoulder and it took all my force not the pull them off and run away

Mister Mayer: "don't wear stuff that shows your skin if you can't take the attention"

All other men<<<< 😁
Chase>>>> 🛐🛐🛐

Pretty much the only person who doesn't know what happened to her is the only person who'd support her through it

Everyone should read the book ugly love by Colleen Hoover 😩 it's so good

Word count - 1150

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