Birthday wishes

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  ~Chapter 34~

Charlis POV:
When I woke up this morning I felt bad but also good. Bad because my dad is back, and my mom and dad together are the worst combinations. Every night I end up getting 3 hours of sleep because of their screaming. I feel good because Bill is gone and now my house has suddenly feels a hundred times safer.

Yes, I'm still terrified at night. I still get nightmares but at least now I know that the only way for him to get into my room is my breaking this window.

I also felt good today is because today is my birthday, not that my parents remember but people at school do. I don't have a lot of friends but I have a lot of followers. Not on Instagram but at school. People who are for some reason invested in my life, most of them are boys. Boys who want to get in my pants. The rest of them are girls who pretend to be my friend so they can get some attention from the boys too.

Secretly, they all think I'm a slut. They'd never say it to my face but they do. But they pretend to my friends anyway

My main friend group decorated my locker today. And I guess I just have to pretend like they don't hate me

They all walked over to me and stood in front of me

Sarah: "you having a birthday party"

I laughed thinking she was joking

Sarah: "what's funny?"

That whole phrase was funny

Charli: "the last time I've had a birthday party was when my parents loved me"

They all looked confused

Sarah: "so when was that?"

Laughing through the pain.

Charli: "I've never had a birthday party"

They all stood there thinking for a second

Sarah: "but you just said-"

I nodded

Charli: "I know what I said."
I closed my locker and laughed

They didn't

Taylor: "is that a joke?"

I wish Ha ha.

Sarah: "yeah Charli. You really shouldn't be joking about that stuff, some peoples parents really don't love them"

Wonder what that feels like?

They all walked away

Good. I don't feel like talking to them right now.

Chases POV:
Justin and I walked down the hallway to Charli and he turned her around

Justin: "happy birthday, baby"
He smiled and kissed her

I wanted to puke.

Charli: "thank you"
She smiled then I smiled

It's like the whole room lite up.

Justin: "I got you something"

She looked surprised

Charli: "really?"

He nodded then handed her the gift I picked out

She unrapped the gift and opened it pulling the dress out of the box as her jaw dropped

Charli: "oh my god it's beautiful! Thank you"

He nodded

Justin: "took me awhile to pick it out. I wanted both your birthdays to be good."

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