It's all pretend

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                    ~Chapter 29~
                ITS ALL PRETEND

Chases POV:
I really really hope that Charli knows what a healthy relationship looks like. Because that was not it. It's like he's a different person when he's not around the public, when he's alone with Charli. In all my years of being friends with Justin I have never seen him so- like that? He didn't even acknowledge that I was in the room.

First off, she basically just told him she's never experienced love so she doesn't know what it's supposed to feel like but he only got angry and he just forced himself on her and tried to manipulate her into thinking she loves him.

And before she was talking about how this isn't the first time he said he was gonna commit when she told him they should break up? There's no way out for her? She probably feels afraid to end it with him because if she does she'll think he'll kill himself? How is that a healthy relationship?

Charli: "I'm not in a toxic relationship?? Don't you think I'd know if I was in a toxic relationship??"

Well I guess not?

Charli: "don't worry about it? Okay? He does that all the time"

He does that all the time?!

The first time he hurt her... I was questioning their relationship... but after she told me it was only an accident, I let it slide... but now after everything? I'm not sure. I know it's not my place to say anything about this but I care so deeply for her, and I only wanna do what's right.

She continued to walk in front of me

Charli: "trust me when I say, if he were anything as bad as other people in my life, we'd be done"

So she's comparing this? Her boyfriend, to other bad people in her life? she does know that relationships are supposed to make you happy, Right?

Chase: "well.. Do you...? You know? Love him?"

She looked at the ground and nodded

Charli: "yeah. Yup. Of course."

We arrived at the car and got inside
She got in the front seat and put her hands on the steering wheel

Charli: "I love him. I do love him."

I nodded

Chase: "Okay"

Il fix this. I don't know how, and I don't know when but Il fix this.

Time skip ⏭
1 week later

Charlis POV:
I've been staying at Chases for a week now, I feel so welcome here. His parents are so nice to me, his sisters are so nice to me and most of all, he is so nice to me. I love staying here, it feels like I'm finally part of a real family. A good family. but I gotta be honest with myself. I can't stay here forever? They are a family and I'm not part of it. I'm a guest and the last thing I'd wanna do is over stay my welcome after everything they've done for me. They feed me food, they lend me money for school, they lend me the things I need for my schoolwork. I couldn't ask for more.

I should start looking for another place to stay... or maybe even a job... I believe in myself, I can do this. I can live without my parents.

I got up off Chases bed and stood up
I looked at Chase still sleeping on the ground

I offered so many times to sleep on the ground but he wouldn't let me. Like I actually got on the ground but he picked me up and put me on the bed.

I walked out of the room and walked downstairs
I sat down on the table beside his sisters

Marlena: "look who finally changed"

I laughed

Charli: "I didn't wanna be a problem"

She rolled her eyes

Charli: "what? Chase practically forced me to wear his clothes!"

I've been wearing my cheerleading outfit all week because I have no other clothes and I didn't want their mom to do any extra laundry so I just kept the same thing on.

Chase gave me one of his T shirts which is way to big and some shorts that are way too long but Il take what I can get

Miss Hudson: "would you like anything to eat, dear?"
Charli: "if that's not too much to ask, then yes please"

She smiled

Miss Hudson: "not at all"

It's so weird to live somewhere like this, even for a little bit of time. It's like heaven compared to my house.

Karissa: "so."


Charli: "so?"
Karissa: "what's up between you and Chase?"

Me and Chase? What's she talking bout?

Marlena: "anything... there?"

If I had water I'd spit it out of my mouth right now

Charli: "Chase- and I?"
I said laughing thinking it was a joke

That is a joke right?

Karissa: "What? Whats wrong with him?"

I shook my head laughing

Charli: "there's nothing wrong with him, he's great. He's a great guy. I just don't see him like that. Like at all."
I laughed

Chase is such a nice person, and he would honestly make a great boyfriend. Just not to me. I'm just not into him and I know for a fact there's no way he's into me like that.

Marlena: "not even the slightest?"

Am I attracted to him physically? Yeah. Of course I am. Every girl is. He's hot. You can't deny that.
But, I'm physically attracted to most guys at our school.
I'm in no way at all emotionally attracted to him.

Almost forgot about Justin there for a second. I haven't seen him much this week, everything at schools been really awkward. I still gotta sit with my "friends" who hate me and think I'm an attention seeker and Justin is still mad at me for not staying at his house

Charli: "I'm sorry, I'm not. He's a really sweet person but I would never date him, like ever. In a million years. Plus I'm with Justin"

They both looked at something behind me and I turned around

Charli: "oh hey Chase"

Hope he didn't think I was trying to be mean if he heard that- he knows what I mean. He probably feels the same way for me.

He nodded then turned around and walked away.

Not a morning person I guess

Aw poor chase 🥲 got no chance with Charli

Anyways today we didn't get content again 🤣🤣
Crying 🥲
Please 😫😫😫

Word count- 1076

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