She changed everything

667 35 10

~Chapter 37~

Chases POV:
Dear diary,
When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. Unrealistic ones but good ones. I had dreamed of moving out of LA and to somewhere tropical, like Jamaica, Mexico, the Bahamas. I loved to draw so sceneries like those, they were my favourite. The day I saw her for the first time is the day all my hopes and dreams changed. Suddenly, I didn't care what city I lived in, I didn't care what country I lived in, I didn't even care what continent I lived in. The only place I wanted to be was with her.
I can't move. Now now, not ever.
Charli and I are just becoming friends
This would be the worst time to go. I'd have to start completely over with nothing. I'd have no friends? Why would my parents think I'd like this?! Plus Kentucky?! Really?? Kentucky! Out of everywhere, any place, they choose Kentucky.

I put my book down and put it in the drawer.

I looked at the time- almost 1 already?? Wow. My parents tried to call me down but I didn't answer, I can't go down there and I know that might be a little selfish but I can't. Even though my dads getting a great job I can't be happy for him because I'm not moving . My birthday ended an hour ago and what did I get? Nothing. Well actually, I did get something. I got a hug from Charli.
But that's pretty much it, other from the  dozens of worthless gifts people gave me, the only thing I actually liked was Charlis hug. Which technically wasn't actually a gift but it was to me.

My parents are definitely not awake right now so it's a good time to sneak out

I walked down the stairs and I saw them.

Oh no

Oh wait they are sleeping

I went down a little further and saw a birthday cake and gifts and decorations

Oh my god why do I feel so bad

I quietly walked past the living room and out the door

Charlis POV:
Uhh this is so annoying. He's gonna be all mad and everything or worried. I'm fine. I just had a tough week and alcohol helps me sleep. Yeah Il admit maybe I took a little bit too much, but I couldn't help myself. It's the only thing that gets me to stop thinking about Bill. When I drink too much before bed it does give me nightmares but they're worth it. I hadn't had a full night sleep in weeks. This keeps me sleeping through the whole night.

Besides, if you think about it 3 bottles a day isn't even that much. I take 2 at night and I pour one in my water bottle for school. It's nothing.
It makes me feel better.

Justin: "Charli what the hell?"
He said as he picked up a bottle

He kicked through them

Justin: "you drank all of this??"

Il make an excuse.

Charli: "no I just keep them there, that's all the alcohol I've had in my life. Don't worry. I haven't had anything to drink in weeks. Those are from a long time ago"

He looked down at them

Justin: "oh. Okay. I didn't even know you drank?"

Me neither. Until I started.
I never knew how good it tasted, I'm starting to understand my mom and why she drinks so much.

Charli: "yeah I don't drink that often"

He nodded then went through the closet

Justin: "is this mine? I forgot I had this?"
He picked out an oversized white t shirt

That's Chases-

Charli: "uh, yeah I think that's yours."

He grabbed some long grey shorts and took them with the t shirt

Looks like he'll be wearing Chases clothes tonight.

Justin: "I'm gonna wear this"

He took off his shirt and I looked at him

Justin: "what?"

He walked closer to me

He walked over to me and kissed me immediately putting his tongue inside my mouth

He unzipped the back of my zipper on my dress but I pushed him away from me

Charli: "sorry. Maybe later? I don't wanna ruin my makeup"

I re zipped the back of my dress

Justin: "yeah. Okay."

He got changed and walked over to the window and we both climbed out of the house.
Once we got down, we got inside the car and he started driving to the club.

He put his hand on my thigh and smiled at me

I sat there staring at the window

Justin: "Charli what's wrong??"

It was only then did I realize I was crying

Charli: "nothing. Nothing. I'm

I wiped the tears off my face

Justin: "you sure?"

I nodded and he looked back at the road.
He placed his hand on my leg again.
I picked up his hand and took it off my leg so he was just holding my hand
He gave me a strange look.

We arrived at the club and he parked the car
I took out my fake ID and we walked to the front door.

We showed the security person our ID and he seemed a bit suspicious of us.
I would be too, I'm basically 16 and I'm pretending to be 21. But what's he gonna do about it.

He let us both inside and when we got in there was blasting music and a lot of people

A lot.

Tonight is gonna be a good one.

We walked over to the bar and looked for seats

We saw Chase limping over to us-

Chase: "~~Justin. ~~~ Charli!!!~~"

He stood right in front of us and laughed

Justin: "are you drunk? Already?"

He laughed again and stood right next to me really closely

Chase: "~~I lOve you guys~~"

I laughed as he swang his arms around both of us

Chase: "~~~I love yOu Charli~~ I loVe you~~"

He picked me up by my legs and put me over his shoulder

Charli: "chase!"
Chase: "~~you'Re gonnA dance witH me, oKay??~~~"

New character unlocked 🔓
Drunk Chase

Y'all don't understand, the hardest part about writing every day is finding something to say in the a/n because when they are too short it annoys me😭

Word count: 1047

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