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                    ~Chapter 48~

Chases POV:
                 Dear diary,
What have I done.
Justin was right. Every single time I leave Charlis life, I find a way to crawl right back in and not even on purpose. I don't mean to do all this? I didn't mean for her to stay next to me on the bus, I didn't mean to give her my advice, I didn't mean to ask her to stay in my room. It all just happened because my instincts. I don't think, I just do. So when I see some random guy ask Charli to stay with him in his dorm I won't hesitate to save her. I don't know this guy? I don't know who he is? Who knows? He might be a kidnapper?? I would hate myself if something happened to her because I rejected her from my room.

I was interrupted by Sarah being really close next to me

Sarah: "hey"

I quickly closed my book and looked at her

Chase: "hey"

I smiled looking at the door Of the washroom

Sarah: "what's up?"

Well nothing now

Chase: "nothing really."

She grinned slightly and put her hand on my face

Sarah: "you have nice hair"

I smiled and thank her

Sarah: "what are you looking at?"

I shrugged and started blushing a lot

Just knowing Charlis right next to me showering makes me happy.
Yeah she's done this before. She stayed at my house for a bit but I forgot what it felt like.

Sarah: "I've never seen a boy blush"

You have now

Chase: "happens a lot, when I'm nervous, happy, embarrassed, shocked. It's rare when it doesn't happen."

It's really annoying. It's like Showing the whole word what your thinking

Sarah: "what do I make you feel"

She tangled her fingers on the buttons of my shirt
I lightly grabbed her hand and put it on the bed
I tapped down on it

Chase: "scared"

She smirked

Sarah: "really?"

She unbuttoned another button
I looked at the door

Chase: "can you please stop"

She looked at me like I was crazy

This is uncomfortable.

Sarah: "what do you mean stop?"

I mean stop? I know she likes me and everything and I don't want to embarrass her so I'm trying my best to let her down easy but she knows??

Chase: "Sarah you know I love Charli, everyone knows. Why are you even trying this?"
Sarah: "why?? What is soo special about her?! Why does she have you wrapped around her little finger? What did she even do!"

Why is she fighting me about this? I don't like her and I'm not trying to be rude but I just don't like her? I don't know how many times Il have to say it for her to figure it out

Chase: "can't explain love Sarah. Cant explain love"

But let's be for real for a second. Who isn't in love with Charli? Why is Sarah even going for me when Charlis been here the whole time.

Sarah: "okay whatever. You're a horrible friend you know"


Chase: "we aren't friends-"
Sarah: "not to me. To Justin."

Don't even get me started on Justin.
She knows nothing about him?? Why is she talking?? Justin's a douche.

Chase: "you don't know the situation. I'm not a horrible friend"

If anything I'm the best friend? I would never even think about kissing Charli because she's with Justin. Okay- well- I think about it a lot. But I would never actually do it. I can't control my feelings, you can't pick who you like. But i can control my actions and that's why I've never tried anything on Charli.

If anything Justin is a horrible friend. He always knew how much I liked Charli and he went a long and dated her anyways.

So in the end, we both couldn't control our feelings for her. But the difference is I was the only one who was able to control my actions.

Sarah: "she's not even that pretty."

For gods sake.

Chase: "you guys are both girls? Why are you trying to put her down? What happened to girls support girls? Yes, Charli is beautiful but so are you and so is every other girl at our school but the difference between Charli and you isn't what's on the outside. You wanna know why I love Charli? It's because she knows her worth and she has respect for herself, stop throwing yourself at every guy. Stop putting other girls down and just be you and maybe then you'll have better luck getting people to like you."

She sat there silently

Sarah: "she doesn't have respect for herself? She's a slut"

I put my head in my hands shaking my head

Did she not listen to any of the stuff I just said?

Someone knocked on our door and I assumed it was the teacher
I walked to the door and opened it-

Can this day get any worse?

Justin: "you gotta be kidding me?? You got a room with my girlfriend?!"

I rolled my eyes and opened the door

Justin: "oh. Sorry. Thought this was Charlis room"
Chase: "it is"

He looked confused

Justin: "the 3 of you are staying in a room? Together?"
Chase: "yup no space for you. Sorry."

I tried shutting the door but he held it open

Justin: "I'm staying. Il sleep in the same bed as Charli."
Chase: "why can't you and charli just get another room?"

He walked inside and out his luggage down

Justin: "no more rooms, you had to book in advance. Since I decided to come so late I had to pick a room with someone who didn't have a full room"

This room is full??

Chase: "okay fine. Whatever. Sarah can take that bed, Justin take that bed with Charli and Il take the bathtub."

I've had worse.

Justin: "great."

I grabbed my blanket and pillows and walked to the bathroom, I opened the bathroom door-

Charli: "oh my god chase?! get out?!"

Aw cuties

Anyways I don't know if Il be able to write this Friday because I have a surgery but I will try my best

Word count - 1032

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