In another life

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                     ~Chapter 78~

Charlis POV:

Marry him?

As in be his wife?

We're 17? Is it even legal for us to get married?! Oh my god.

He just asked to marry me.

And now he's on his knee holding the most beautiful ring I think I've ever seen in my life.

This would fix all our problems, if we were to get married our parents would have no choice But to keep us together.

He promised he'd find a way out of this and he did. He found a way to keep us together...

And I wanna marry him. I really do.

Charli: "no. I'm sorry"

Just not right now...

It hurts me to say no because I wanna marry him, I just can't marry him because I'm 17. We're too young. We would ruin our relationship.

And I don't wanna marry him because we have to get married if I want him to stay. I want to marry him because I love him. And that reason solely. This feels forced. I know for a fact that if everything was normal then he wouldn't be asking me to marry him for at least another 5 years.

His smile faded slowly and I grabbed his hands and closed the ring box

Chase: "no?"

God I feel so bad

Charli: "Chase this is a horrible idea? I'm sorry but I think you know this is crazy"

If we were adults then I'd say yes in a heartbeat. I don't care if it's only been a few months we've known each other. I care that we are 17. We're too young for this

He got up off his knees

Chase: "Charli please. I don't wanna leave you and this is the only way I can prevent that, please marry me. Please"

He opened the box and took the ring out of it. He took my hand and shoved it on my finger

Charli: "Stop it. We aren't getting married! It's crazy!"
Chase: "so what if it's crazy? I want to marry you some day, why can't that some day be now?"

I shook my head

Charli: "are parents wouldn't let us."
Chase: "we only need one parents to agree! We can do some convincing"

I shook my head again

Charli: "no one is gonna let us get married Chase! We're still in high school! It's a horrible idea!"

Can he sit down and think about this for a second?? It's ridiculous?!

Charli: "thank you for trying your best to  make us work. But we aren't gonna work... I love you to death Chase and I really hope Il see you again one day but there is no way I'm getting married. Ask me in 10 years and Il say yes. I promise."

I wanna stay with him so bad... but not like this...

Chase: "I can't live without you?? You don't understand! I need you Charli! Please just say yes. We don't even need a big wedding! We can do whatever you want! Please"

I wish he'd stop this?? It's ridiculous??

Charli: "you're seriously acting like Justin right now?! I'm not marrying you, I'm sorry but I'm not! Stop trying to make me feel bad about this??"

This whole situation is giving Justin.

He quickly shook his head

Chase: "no Charli I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to sound that way-"

I put my hand up to his face

Charli: "leave me alone for a bit please."

I took the ring off my finger and put it in his hand

Chase: "Charli I'm sorry, we can work this out?"
Charli: "I need a break"

I turned around and walked away. A tear ran down my face but I wiped it off

I don't know if I can do this... the more time we spend together the more it hurts...

Week 4

Charlis POV:
This is the seventh day I've been apart from chase and this is also the seventh day I've been drinking again. I was sober for weeks. I'm ashamed but I'm not ashamed enough to stop.

When I'm with Chase I don't need alcohol. When im apart from him im sad.   And the only thing that makes me feel better is the alcohol. So Il do what I want.

Part of me wishes I never met him. This all would have been so much easier if we never met, if I never fell in love with him. But the other part of me is grateful everyday that I met him, because if I didn't then I would never know what love feels like. I would probably still be with Justin right now thinking it's love. Il always be grateful to Chase for showing me what love is, for being the only person to ever care for me. For being the only person to make me happy.

I've chosen to avoid Chase till he leaves... I can't say goodbye. How do I say goodbye to him? I have no words.

I looked through my alcohol collection and eyed the Spirytus vodka.

The strongest alcohol I own.
One of the strongest alcohols in the world

I was gonna save this for Friday. The worst day of my life. But I'm gonna drink it now.

Il drink a little now, the rest Friday. I won't get carried away. Il be fine.

I grabbed the bottle out of my closet then took the bottle opener. I opened the bottle then took a sip of it-

Wow- that really burns-
Maybe I shouldn't be drinking this straight? I should probably put it in juice or something-

No I think it'll be fine.

I took another sip of it

This burns my throat so badly oh my god.

14 sips later I couldn't even remember my own name.

What time is it??

Charli: "~~~1AM?!?!~~ I wanna go on a waLk!~~~"
I laughed

Charli: "~~I NeeD more of ThiS~~"
I laughed again

I grabbed the bottle and stumbled out of my room. I got to the stairs and tripped down the stairs. The bottle fell
To the ground but it didn't break thankfully.

I laughed really loudly then picked up the bottle

Charli: "~~Thats GonNa hurt inn the mOrining~~"

I opened up the door and left the house.
I walked onto the streets and kept tripping over air

I bumped into a wall and I looked up to realize it wasn't a wall. A person.

Justin: "Charli? What are you doing out so late?"

😄 this isn't good 😀

Aww but it's been awhile since we've seen musty Justy 🥺🥺🥺🥺
We miss him don't we😍😍

Hehehe wonder what's gonna happen next

Word count - 1105

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