The look of hope

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~Chapter 51~

Charlis POV:
I heard everything... every part and  every time Justin opened his mouth the more hurt I got. What I saw today was the real Justin. This whole time... he's only been trying to sleep with me... every word he said to be was a lie. Everything was a lie. Our whole relationship was a lie. It hurts. It hurts so badly that I can't even bare to look at him.

Even the thing about the baby... he lied... what kind of person does that? Does he think I don't have feelings or something?

I hate him. I hate him so much. I went through so much pain to save this relationship only to realize there was no relationship from the start.

I wanted to hurt him and even though he doesn't care about me and he never did, I did the one thing that possibly have a chance at doing something, I kissed Chase.

Is this uncomfortable? Absolutely.
But Is it worth it? Absolutely.

I know this is hurting Justin. He can't not be hurt? Even if he was pretending to date me, it still hurts to see your best friend kissing your girlfriend- well- ex girlfriend now.

Chase said so many nice things about me when he was talking to Justin, he was defending me and I kinda feel bad for kissing him just to get some revenge but I'm sure he doesn't care. He hates Justin just as much as I do.

He moved his hands up to my neck and he started to kiss me back. Wow. He's a good kisser for a virgin.

Even though I couldn't see Justin I just knew he was raging with anger.

Chases hands all over my body, his lips on my mouth.
And suddenly an idea sparked into my head. We fake date. Justin maybe mad that we're kissing but dating? I'd get the revenge I always wanted.

Our kiss was interrupted by Justin's fist hitting against Chases jaw-
Oh god.

Justin: "what do you think you're fucking doing?? Do you think this is some sort of joke?!"
He said looking at the both of us

Charli: "not a joke to me. Chase and I have a connection that you and I never had"

Chase smiled at me playing along

Chase: "really?"

It's nice of him to play along with my revenge, even after he just got punched in the face.

He smiled and wider and I smiled at him

Charli: "of course"

I put my hand out for him to grab and he grabbed it and I pulled him up.

Charli: "you okay?"
Chase: "better than ever"

I smiled

He's good at this.

Charli: "c'mon let's go"
I pulled him towards the door of the roof

Justin: "okay so what?? You gonna be a slut and date him now?!"
Charli: "yup."

I opened the door then chase and I walked back to the hotel room hand in hand

Charli: "thanks"

He smiled

Chase: "for what?"

We got to the hotel room and I opened the door. I led him to the bathroom.

Charli: "for playing along"

His smile dropped and he was silent dor a second like he was processing something

Chase: "yeah... no problem..."
He smiled again but this time a little less

Charli: "hey I actually had an idea, I'm not sure if you're up for it but it's something"

He sat there silently

Chase: "ok."

His jaws looking pretty beaten up- I feel bad-

Charli: "one second"

I walked away into the main room and grabbed some ice from the mini fridge. I put some ice inside a plastic bag then I walked back to the bathroom

Charli: "sit here"

I pointed to the counter and he nodded sitting on the counter. I stood between his legs and held the ice against his jaw

Charli: "least I could do."

After all, I'm the one who caused this.

Charli: "as I was saying... I think we should date"

He looked confused yet excited

Chase: "really? I think so too. Are you being for real? I can't believe this, I never thought in a million years I'd date you??"

Little harsh?

Charli: "that makes the both of us"

He doesn't even know what's in it for him yet and he's already on board. What a team player.

Charli: "us fake dating would be helpful for the both of us you know"

Again. His smile drops abruptly.
He stays silent for a second

Chase: "how exactly..."
He said looking at the ground

I tilted his head up so I could put the ice on

Charli: "I could hurt Justin like he hurt me"

It's a coping mechanism okay? Usually I'm not like this, I don't hurt people because it's fun. But I'm still processing what Justin did to me.

Chase: "ok. And me?"
Charli: "so I know you're in love with someone, I don't know who and you don't have to tell me but if we fake date you could make her jealous? Right?"

He nodded slowly

Chase: "I suppose"
Charli: "one thing I know is that girls want what they can't have. If you pretend to date me then trust me, she'd be all over you"

It's a great plan. A win win really.

Charli: "what are you thinking? Are you in?"

It's gonna be a little weird kissing Chase and pretending to be in a relationship with him but it's all worth it in the end.
I'd get what I want, and he'd get what he wants.
Im not sure how long this will go on for but probably only a few weeks.

Chase: "so like what are the rules? What would we do?"

Hadn't really thought about rules but I guess there are no rules. I want this to look as real as possible.

Charli: "we hold hands, kiss, practically do anything that a real couple would do. No limits."

He looked up from the ground and at me

Chase: "yeah. Okay. Il do it."

My guy's setting himself up to get hurt 😞

Well, least they're finally dating 😋😋 kinda 😁

On a different note today marks day 5732278998543 without content 😄🔫

Word count - 1032

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