Be cool

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                    ~Chapter 35~

Chases POV:
Ah im glad she knows but I'm also not glad she knows because I don't want her to know that her own boyfriend forgot to get her a gift. But I guess it's too late now, she knows and she doesn't seem too bothered. I hope she's okay? I hope this doesn't ruin her birthday

The smile on her face right now was worth every Penny I spent on that dress. I'd give anything to see her smile, hell id give away my life to see her smile.

I wish she'd smile more, like real smile more. I see her fake smile all the time and don't get me wrong it's still beautiful but no where near as gorgeous as her real smile.

I can tell when her smile isn't real, I've seen both her smiles before, the fake one more often then the real but i have seen them both enough times to know the difference. With the fake one she's smiling with her lips, showing some teeth. But with her real one she's smiling with her teeth, and if I wanted to I could count every tooth in her mouth that's what I love about her smile. She has such a big smile it almost takes up her entire face and when someone's smiling that much you know they're happy, and I think I've already justified how much I love it when Charlis happy

Charli: "I'm gonna wear this tonight, to our birthday."

I nodded and smiled

Our. I like that word.

Charli: "it's a beautiful dress"
Chase: "for a beautiful girl"

Oh gosh why do I always do this to myself. It's like I wanna set myself up for embarrassment.

Keep the compliments in your head chase.

she knows I think she's beautiful already, I've been pretty clear about it. But I say it too much now, I would like to say it every day but I can't. I don't want her to think I have feelings for her. I don't want to stress her out.

Charli: "hey, how did you know my size? Did someone tell you?"

I spent the past 7 years staring at every inch of your body, I didn't have to ask.

Chase: "yeah"

She nodded

Charli: "well, I'm gonna get to class now"

Right. Class.

Chase: "okay yeah I'm sorry"

She laughed

Charli: "stop being sorry."
Chase: "sorry"


Chase: "sorry"

Oh my god- I really do say sorry too much don't I

She laughed and hit my sholder

Charli: "you're too funny"

Funny? She thinks I'm funny? That's so nice. Even though I wasn't trying to
Be funny, I was trying to be normal

She walked away and I stared at her as she left.

I wish I could be normal around her. I wish I could see her as a friend. But no matter what I do that's impossible.

At lunch Charli and I stared asking people to come to our birthday, it's not like it really mattered anyway . It's a club, there's no talking there.
People just show up if they want to or not.

she is right most of our friends are mutuals. I know all Charlis friends and she knows all mine. I bet she's probably confused why I suddenly Just started hanging out with her one day when we've always had so many mutual friends, my whole life I've even hidden behind a screen. I looked at her from a behind the screen, but ever since I met her the screen came down and it hasn't come back up since.

Charli: "it's like we are twins"

And right there I almost puked in my mouth

That would make me very incest.
I really hope she just said that because we have the same birthday and not because she sees me as a brother

Chase: "yup..."

We agreed on a time - 1 am. Charli said she would have to sneak out. Which I get, she probably isn't aloud to go any earlier. Her mom probably wants to spend her birthday with her.

Il have to sneak out too, there's no way I'd be aloud to go to a club.

Justin came up to us and swag his arm around Charli

Justin: "how's my birthday girl doing"

He said kissing her on the cheek

I still think they're toxic.
He's toxic.

After school I went home in the back of Justin's car while he rode in the front with Charli.

He dropped me off at my house and I got out of the car and went inside

When I got inside my parents smiled as they looked at me

What is happening-

Miss Hudson: "Chase we have some good news"

Really? What?

I walked over and sat down at the table

What could it be

Mister Hudson: "I got a job!"

Oh really that's great!

Chase: "you did? Congratulations!"

That's good we can finally pay for things we didn't have before. My family isn't poor don't get me wrong, you can't live in LA if you're poor. We just aren't exactly 100% wealthy, like we can't really afford rent for this house. It is pretty big. So I'm so glad he got a job, it's gonna really help out the family!

Chase: "that's great"

They both shook their heads and smiled-

Miss Hudson: "we have some more good news"

What? What could be better then that?

Miss Hudson: "think of this as a birthday gift, well it's not really a gift since you don't really have a choice but you're gonna be so happy"

Okay I'm getting excited what is it?  Also why do I not have a choice? Wait is it a car?! I hope it's a car. Even though I don't have a driver's license. Il get one if I get a car

Mister Hudson: "are you ready?"

How good could this be? They are scaring me. I wonder what it is?

Chase: "okay I'm ready. Just say it stop tempting me"

Please be a car

Mister hudson: "my new job, it's not in LA. Chase we are moving! We are moving to Kentucky!"

So fun 😄😨

Ah I just finished reading November 9 by Colleen Hoover. Crying. So good. Like actually so good. Read it, colleen Hoover books are just the best.

Word count - 1055

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