Heaven's touch

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                     ~Chapter 20~

Chase's POV:
Im so glad charli crashed that bike. I'm so glad I fell on my leg and got hurt. I am so glad that my leg is bleeding all over the floor right now because seeing charli beside me worried about me makes it all worth it. When I fell, I didn't even feel it because her smile out weighed the pain. When I looked down and I suddenly saw that my leg was bleeding out on the concrete, I didn't care. All I cared about was the sound of Charlis laugh. I haven't seen her smile in a bit, I missed it. Like a real smile. Not a fake one.

I looked up at charli who was hovering over me and she looked so guilty

Chase: "don't feel bad, I'm okay seriously. Il have a cool scar"

Scars are like tattoos, Il always remember this day.

Justin walked over and hovered over me

I almost rolled my eyes

Justin: "I'm sorry."

He's sorry? That's it? He's sorry for coming into my house, yelling at me for helping his girlfriend, accusing me of sleeping with charli, and punching me in the face for absolutely no reason?!

Chase: "just go away Justin. Please."

I don't wanna see his face right now.

Justin: "look, I'm sorry for yelling at you and stuff. I was just mad. But il believe you if you tell me there's nothing going on between you too"

Im surprised he thinks I even have a chance with charli. Laughable.

Nurse: "alright I'm gonna start the stitches, cole I'm gonna put some numbing cream on your leg? Alright?"

I nodded and she proceeded to put cream on my leg

Justin: "and charli I'm sorry for saying you we're exaggerating"

Still have no idea what there're talking about.

He grabbed her hand and rubbed it

I saw a small smile on her face and that made me smile. If she is happy, even with Justin. So am I.

The nurse started to put the needle and thread inside me and it didn't hurt too bad, it was just extremely uncomfortable

Charli: "so you believe me?"
She smiled

He looked to the ground

Justin: "look charli, I'm gonna be honest with you for a second... no I don't believe you... and I'm sorry but I really don't believe he'd do something like that Char. He's a great guy"

Her smile dropped and it looked like she wanted to cry. She slowly let go of Justin's hand and gripped onto mine which immediately made me feel 100 times better

She ignored what Justin had just said and looked down at me

Charli: "you're doing great"

I smiled

I couldn't help but to notice the tension between Charli and Justin
What doesn't he believe?

Charli squeeze my hand harder which felt nice

Charli: "you're almost done"

I nodded

I don't want this to be over. I wish my cut was bigger so she could hold my hand longer. I don't want her to let go.
I wish my whole leg had fallen off when we fell, her holding me just a little while longer would have been worth it.

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