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                      ~Chapter 50~

Chases POV:
I am tired of this! I am tired of seeing the girl I love being used and abused! She doesn't know it yet but she is, he is always and I mean always taking advantage of her. Taking advantage of the fact that she doesn't know what love feels like? Clearly! Or else she wouldn't be with this idiot!

She's a virgin?? And I come into the room and see that he was about to fuck her anal?? He doesn't know how to take things slow and he's always so aggressive? If he did that before I came in she would've ended up in the hospital because he's so aggressive.

And His hands were basically choking her through her mouth, no wonder she was crying. I would be too.

Weather she consented or not im glad I came in when I did.

Once I brought Justin up to the roof I punched him in the face

Justin: "what the hell?!"

He grabbed me and pinned me against the brick wall

Chase: "get off me"

I pushed him off of me

Justin: "you're an idiot. I was finally, finally! About to have sex with Charli! And I was so close. Literally. I was inches away but NOPE. You just had to come in and acuse me of raping my own Girlfriend!"

So what?? He really wanted her to be crying the first time they did something??

Chase: "I'm sick of it Justin! I'm sick of it! You treat her like shit! And I can't stand here and watch you do it. She deserves better."

He shook his head and laughed

Justin: "this whole time I've been fighting for our friendship but is it even worth it? I wasn't gonna let a girl get between us but you clearly are."

Fighting?? HA. Funny!

Chase: "this isn't just about her?? It's you as a person! You're a horrible person and I don't think I want someone so horrible in my life"

He rolled his eyes and stepped closer to me

Justin: "yeah because you're just so good aren't you. You're the perfect boyfriend, the perfect friend, you're the perfect everything, right?"

I shook my head

Chase: "that's not what I said."

I never said I was perfect, I'm just not bad.

Justin: "sounds like it."

This is it. This is the end of our friendship and you know what? He's right. I hate that a girl came between us but it really helped me see what kind of person he really is.

Chase: "I may not be perfect, but at least I don't take advantage of people, I don't cheat, I don't force anyone or pressure anyone to have sex with me, I don't treat girls like their objects and I certainly don't abuse girls!"

He stood there silently

Justin: "You clearly don't even know Charli. She wants attention. She always does."

Nobody wants that kind of attention.

Chase: "do you really even love her?

He laughed loudly

Justin: "do I love her? You think I actually love this girl?? I'm in high school for gods sake! I don't love anyone!"

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