The bigger person

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                    ~Chapter 33~

Charlis POV:
Justin quickly got off me and I looked back up at my dad who looked like he wanted to kill him. Not to protect me, but to make sure Im never happy.

I haven't seen my dad in 4 months. Where did he go? I have absolutely no idea. All I know is that it was not a business trip.

So... what does this mean? Does this mean that he's staying? Does this mean that Bills leaving?  Bills leaving! He has to be! Thank god! Oh my god you don't understand how happy that makes me. Don't get me wrong, I hate my dad. Despise him. But I somehow hate Bill 1000 times more. I'd so much rather be physical and verbally abused than sexually... I really do have a horrible life don't I... what's happened to me? I'm picking the types of abuse I would rather? This is what I have to put up with... sadly this is what my life has come to

Justin quickly got up and my dad started walking towards him. I stood up and blocked Justin with body so he couldn't get to him

Charli: "stop it dad!"

He's never met Justin before. Justin has seen him in the house, but he's never met him before. There's a reason for that. This. My dad doesn't want me to have a boyfriend because he doesn't want me to be happy.

Mister Damelio: "how many times did I tell you no boys in the house?!"

I rolled my eyes

Charli: "you haven't been in this house for almost half a year?? You don't get to make the rules anymore!"

He walked up to me and pushed me to the ground causing my head to slam against the wall



My head

I grounded and rubbed my head

Usually my parents never do that in front or guests, guess it's been too long for my dad to remember that rule.

Charli: "Justin go!"
I yelled

He looked at me like he felt bad for me but he left out the window anyway just before my dad could beat him up

Mister damelio: "that man's lucky you took the fall for him!"

I took the fall.

Charli: "get out!"
Mister damelio: "you've gotten brattier  since the last time I was here"

I slowly stood up from the ground. As soon as I got up I felt light headed.

He wants to play this way? Fine. Easy. He wants to hear something that'll make him feel bad? 2 can play it that way.

Charli: "mom has a boyfriend who's In the house right now.

He looked confused for a second then got angry.

Bye bye bill.

He quickly walked out of my room and I walked into my bathroom to look at my head.

That's not looking so good. I grabbed a rag and rubbed the blood off my head and the next thing I know I hear screaming from the other room

That's what I like to hear. For the first time ever I'm glad my dad will be beating someone up. Bill deserves every second of pain he gets.

The screaming went on and on and I enjoyed it. My dad is a very angry person and but if I'm being honest...I hope he doesn't beat up my mom...because no matter how bad she is too me, Nobody deserves to be a victim of abuse and what kind of person would it make me if I wished abuse on my own mother? I wanna be different than my parents and it's my job to teach myself how to be a better person since my parents never could.

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