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i hate this chapter


It was the day we were supposed to leave for Vegas and Amir was stalling once again.

"Amir! Get your butt down here right now! The timer for five minutes just started!" I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

By the time I got in the car he only had four minutes left.

Some might say I'm extra strict but I just want the best for my kids. Always. When they don't get the job because they were late to the interview it would be my fault for not teaching them any better.

Plus I'm over a full foot shorter than Amir so I need to make up for it.

Amir put his stuff in the back and got into the passenger seat with one minute left on the timer. Better.

"You ready to win?" I asked Amir after I pulled out of the driveway.

"Hell yeah!"

I only let him say hell because I know he's excited right now. It's barely a curse word anyway.

I let Amir play his Lil Savage and King Baby for the entire car ride. Kids these days don't know real music anymore.

We got to the school and the parking lot was full of parents dropping off their kids. I was going to drop Amir off to take the bus with the rest of his friends and I was going to drive on my own.

Why would I by choice get on a bus with a bunch of loud teenage boys for five hours?

I was still going to have a relaxing weekend, Vegas or not.

I had a two podcasts to listen to, healthy snacks, and a playlist of old school music.

"Bye baby." I had to basically climb over my seat to give him a kiss on the forehead. "Be good, I'll see you in a couple hours."

"Bye ma." He barely even looked my way and got out the car. He opened the door to the backseat and got his duffle bag and jogged to the bus.

I don't know what it is about athletes and not being able to walk.

I didn't want to get there before them so I stopped a dunkin' donuts to get the biggest sized coffee I could get for this long ride.

I plugged my phone in, started a new episode of the podcast I was listening to, and started following the gps to the hotel in Vegas.

I was actually very relaxed. Driving actually calms me and I had my healthy mom snacks to keep me from getting hungry.

Halfway into the car ride my podcast paused and my car announced a text from Amir.

He said, "you good? coach said you shouldn't have to drive five hours since you're a woman or something."

Because I'm a woman or something?

I waited until I stopped at a red light to text him back.

: I'm fine. I can drive to the next state despite being a woman.

I don't know what she was implying by saying that.

Like the woman I am, I got tired of driving when we were an hour away. Just because of what Amir's coach said I didn't stop until I got to the hotel we were staying at.

When I got to the hotel the bus was already there so I parked and hopped out. Literally, I had to jump out the car.

I opened my back door to get my bag but I jumped when I heard a voice behind me.

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