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I woke up on Beys chest. She was on the phone so that's probably what woke me up.

I sat up to be nosy, she's my girlfriend so it's okay.

She held a finger up to tell me to wait and got out of bed. Before she complained left the room, I could hear a little bit of what she was saying.

"Yes- I understand but- can you let me talk?"

I waited a little bit but after a couple minutes of her not coming back, I went to brush my teeth.

By the time I was done brushing my teeth and using the bathroom, she was back in my room in bed but she was sitting instead of laying down.

"I have to leave, I'm sorry."

I sat in her lap, I love it there. "Why?"

"Some stuff with my mom I need to handle. I'm about to call Kelly to pick me up."

"I can take you." Kelly is being grown, she doesn't need to bother her.

"Kelly has my car, there's no point."

I didn't say anything or it would be suspicious. She started calling Kelly and I stayed silent.

"Hello? Can you come get me from Onika house, you still have my car." "Then where are you?"

Oop. She should've lied.

"Kelly I- just come get me. I love you too, bye." She hung up and put the phone down.

"Onika where is she?"

"How would I know? That's a grown woman." I knew where she was. I laid my head on Beys shoulder, I was stressed and still tired.


"We haven't had sex in a really song time. Why is that?"

"I don't think it's been that long."

"It's been way too long. Please baby?"

She started smiling, "I like it when you say please."

I kissed her then pulled away to start trailing my kisses from her jaw up to her ear. "Please?"

She put both her hands on my butt. I moved back to look at her, she had her eyes closed and she was biting the inside of her bottom lip.

"Onika, not right now. Kelly's coming and-"

"So? Kelly wouldn't mind waiting a couple of minutes." She would encourage us to take our time.

"I need more than a couple minutes. Can you come over later?"

"Yeah." Amir's in trouble, he can watch his little sister for a couple hours.

"Okay, good. I wanted to try some new stuff."

"I already told you I'm not doing anal."

"Why is that the first place your mind went to? That's not even what I was talking about."

"You like that nasty freaky stuff, I don't know."

"Onika you haven't seen nasty or freaky yet. You're lucky I've been diluting myself for you. There's a whole world of stuff I haven't showed you yet."

"So you think our sex is boring?"

"That's not what I said. We do what you're comfortable with and that's fine, I have no complaints. I'm pleased with the sex we have always. I just want to help you step outside of your comfort zone a little bit. Baby steps of course."

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