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After I got home I sat in my car. I was going to tell Amir about his dad. His real one.

Before I went to talk to him, I went to check on Bey and Imani. I went to my room and the both of them were sleeping. Imani was laying on Beys chest and Bey was snoring.

I quietly left the room and knocked on Amir's door. He didn't answer but I knew he was awake, he just got off the phone with Bryson.

"I'm coming in."

I opened the door and he was laying on his back using his phone. I should've taken it before I left, he only had it because he was at school.


"Watch your tone before I get a belt, I'm tired of your attitude. I'm not Bryson, you can't talk to me however you want to."

He didn't say anything so I took his phone out of his hand before he could stop me, I wanted to see what was making him ignore me. He was on Instagram.

@jahiemarnold: more life

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@jahiemarnold: more life. 🔞

"Oh he's cute! Bryson did good."

"I'm your son and you've been on his side about everything, you're so weird."

"Maybe if you weren't in the wrong I would be on your side but you are. I'm not going to sit and watch you treat someone the way you were treating him."

"Oh. Goodnight." He turned on his side with his back to me.

"No, I'm talking to you."

"I already know what you're going to say. Bryson is right about everything and I'm terrible and secretly gay. Got it, goodnight."

"You have one more time to talk to me like that. Turn around."

He turned around. "I really don't know why you're mad at me. He started with me when he talked about my dad and he knows I don't like him to kiss me and he still did it. You don't even know the whole situation but you're on his side. I'm going to sleep, goodnight."

"Like I said, I want to talk to you."


I pulled his desk chair to his bed and sat down. "When I was in high school, the summer I was going from being a freshman to a sophomore, I met this guy. He was a lot older than me but he said he was okay because I was too mature for guys my age and I looked grown."

"That's gross."

"I know. Eventually he got what he wanted from me and that's when he stopped being so nice. He started to talk down on me and my weight and everything. At 15 I felt I had to compete with these grown women that wanted him. He used to hit me all the time, he didn't even have a reason. He was a lot bigger than me, he was like you but a lot more buff so I couldn't really fight back."

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