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this isn't as long as i wanted it to be but i took an edible and i'm on borrowed time so there's a different ending 😭


I was on my way to pick Imani up from Augusts house and Bey called me. I was jealous yesterday, I have no reason to lie about it. She shouldn't have been doing things that would make me jealous.

"Hello?" I answered the phone right before it went off. I had it connected to my car's bluetooth.

"Hey, are you busy?"

"I'm driving so not really."

"Are you mad at me? I swear me and Mel were just talking in the bathroom."

"Then why did you have to sneak off to the bathroom with her?" That's the weird part, if they wanted to go somewhere to talk they could've just walked off together.

"I didn't sneak-"

"So you didn't wait five minutes to follow her into the bathroom? Then you come out smelling ike the weed she was smoking."

"But I wasn't-"

"Okay. Just don't do it again."

"Sorry. What are you doing right now?"

"I'm going to get Imani. You should come over, she was mad at me for going to see you without her."

She's been giving me dirty looks for the longest.

"Or you miss me, it's okay to admit."

"Imani wants to see you, she misses you." I didn't miss her at all, I just saw her.

"Are y'all hungry? I can stop and get food on my way there. Or I could order something."

"No thank you, I already cooked."

"Could I still stop and get something? I don't want Imani to be mad at me too."

"If you want. Hold on a second." I pulled into Augusts driveway and pulled my phone out to text him to bring Imani outside.

He came out a second later without Imani, of course. He knocked on the window and I rolled it down. "Leave me alone."

"Who's that?" Bey and August said at the same time.

"The midget."

That made Bey start uncontrollably laughing like last time. Since it was on speaker he could hear her.

He reached through the window and grabbed my phone.

"Give it-" I tried to reach for my phone but he moved it out of my reach.

I knew he was about to say something he shouldn't so I hung up from the screen thing in the car.

"Give me my phone."

He ignored me and started walking inside his house.

I took my seatbelt off and followed him. He left the door open for me, he wanted me to come in.

"August give me my phone."

"I bought it. Onika-"

"Imani!" Fuck the phone, Imani needs to hurry up so we can go.

"I'm changing!" She yelled back, she was probably in a princess dress or something and now she's changing into regular clothes.

"Come here." August was leaning against the wall under his stairs.

"Will you give me my phone back?"

He nodded his head and I started to slowly walk toward him. I knew he was trying to do something but I didn't care, I just wanted my phone.

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