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an even longer one


Bey didn't come over last night but I didn't mind this one time. She was so drunk, she could stay where she was at.

I meant it when I said I wasn't mad. I tend to overreact and create something out of nothing. She doesn't deserve that so I wasn't going to start anything today.

It's like she knew I was thinking about her because she started calling me. I smiled and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Good morning beautiful." She must think I'm mad.

"Good morning."

"How are you feeling? How's baby Blaze?"

"Please stop playing with me this early in the morning." She's always trying to be funny.

"I'm about to come over."

"I can hear how tired you are in your voice, go back to sleep."

"I wanna sleep with you and Blaze. I'm still drunk from last night and hungover at the same time. I don't even get hung over."

"You don't need to be going out and getting drunk like that anyways." That's when she fucks.

"Remember the last time? I put a baby in you."



"See you when you get here, bye." I hung up and went to brush my teeth.

After I was done I went downstairs and again, Amir was in the kitchen.

"Why do you keep waking up early? What are you up to?" He must be plotting.

"Good morning beautiful mother."

I was about to tell him he sounds like his damn daddy but the daddy in question is Bey.

"What do you want?" He has to want something.

"Why would you just assume I want something?" Exactly what someone who wanted something would say.

"Just ask."

"Can I have my back? Before you say no, it's just for a couple seconds. I just need to send a text."

"How do you text people normally? How did you even make the plans with your date?"


"Before you talk, think about what you're going to say. Don't lie."

"My school laptop. I'm in the trenches."

"And why can't you use your school laptop to send the text you're trying to send?"

"I just can't. Please, it'll only be like five seconds."

I rolled my eyes, "Okay Amir. Come upstairs and I'll give it to you."

He smiled and started walking upstairs, I followed him. "Thank you."

"I'm pregnant, stop stressing me out before I get Bey on you."

"How am I stressing you out?"

"Just hurry up." We walked into my room and I got his phone.

He started typing the second I handed him his phone back.

A second later my door opened and I thought it was Imani but it was Bey. "How did you get in here?"

"I stole your spare key a while ago, I need one of my own. Hey Amir."

"Hi." He was still typing like crazy, I need to see who he's texting.

"How's Blaze?"

"Come here." I don't know where this was coming from, I just said I'm not mad a second ago.

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