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note: this chapter is full of errors, try your best to ignore them. sorry.


I was outside of the school waiting for Bey, Amir, and Bryson. I said Bryson could come over as long as they stay in the living room.

Bryson and Amir came out first and they looked like they were arguing. Jesus. I don't even understand why they're together.

They stopped talking just before they got inside the car.

"Hi Ms.Maraj."

"Hi mom."

"Hey, are you guys hungry?"

"No." "Yes."

"I'll just get food anyways, if you don't eat it your sister will."

Imani was in the backseat sleeping. She had a long day and she cried herself to sleep.

She had a meltdown at school and she wouldn't tell anyone what happened so I had to come pick her up.

She wouldn't tell me what was wrong either but I think it has something to do with August. She asked me if he was mad at her for telling Bey what he did to me or getting sick at his house.

I hate him. I can't even put my feelings into words. I hope he's dead somewhere.

"Can we get pizza? Coach almost killed us today at practice." Amir's so dramatic, I doubt it was even that bad.

"Order it with my card. My bags on the floor by your feet."

He got my card and started ordering pizza. Bryson had his head back and he was looking at the ceiling.

"You okay Bryson?"

"Mhm, I'm fine."

I could see Amir roll his eyes. They're in high school and they argue more than Bey and I. That's not cute.

After all the kids left, Bey started jogging to my car. She was halfway in the car when she paused. "Bryson?"

He waved, "Hi coach."

"On second thought, I have some stuff to do at home so I think I'm just gonna-"

"Get in the car." I'm tired of having to force her to come over.

"Onika... please."

"What's the problem? Just get in the car."

She huffed and got into the car. Once she was in the car she crossed her arms over her chest, she looked like a child.

"Stop pouting, give me a kiss." I didn't want her to be upset, I just like being around her.

"You do know we're right here, right?" Amir had his face scrunched up.

"Do I need to remind you what you were doing in my house? I'm grown, I actually can do what I want. Unlike you."

Bey stuck her tongue out at him and gave me a kiss. It was just a peck because of Amir and Bryson.

Amir fake gagged. He's so dramatic, we barely even kissed. I didn't care about Bryson seeing, Beys my whole girlfriend and it's not a secret no matter how much Amir wants it to be.

"How was work? I missed you today." I pulled out of the school and started driving home.

"Good. There's something I wanted to talk to about later."


"Later. It's nothing serious, I just want to let you know something. Don't stress about it."

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