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onika :)

We woke up extra early the next day so we could drop Imani off at Kelly's house. I think we were both ready for some alone time.

After we went to breakfast we went to the park. It was actually fun, Bey was pushing Imani and I on the swings and I felt like a little kid again.

Imani was still a little unsure about Bey but she was talking to her and everything now. She's been clinging to me a little bit more instead of Bey now. I know Bey is is kind of hurt by that but there's nothing we can do but give her time.

I got Imani ready while Bey was taking a shower. After Bey got out, I gave Imani to her so I could take a shower.

I was in the shower taking my time, I needed to be prepared for tonight.

I got out and walked in the room in just a towel. My suitcase was in the room and I didn't pick an outfit out beforehand.

Bey and Imani were in bed watching Judge Judy. That's so weird. They were so invested they didn't even look my way when I left the bathroom.

I got everything I needed and snuck one of Beys hoodies. We were going to be in the car for a couple of hours so I wanted to be comfortable.

I changed into Nike running shorts and her hoodie. I might just have to keep it, it's so comfortable.

After I was done I left the bathroom again. Bey was dozing off, she was like someone's dad.

"Imani wake her up." When I saw Imanis eyes light up I had to stop her. "Nicely. Don't hurt her."

She decided jumping off the bed onto the floor and acting kind she hurt herself was a better idea. She started screaming and crying like something was actually wrong with her and Bey jumped up.

She stopped crying and started laughing. Yeah, she needs help. I wouldn't be surprised if she grows up to be an actress.

"Sorry BeyBey, my mommy told me to wake you up."

"I didn't tell you to do all that, you decided to do that on your own. Don't try and throw me under the bus." This is why I called her a sellout.

"Is that mine?" She doesn't even care that Imani almost gave her a heart attack but she's worried about her clothing?

"I have no idea what you're talking about. We should probably get going, I don't want you to be late."

"Onika I literally bought and packed it in my suitcase. I know it's mine."

"Come on Imani." I was just going to ignore that, I'm already caught.

Imani got off the floor and ran to me. We left Bey and went downstairs. While she was distracted by the dog, I went into the kitchen to make her a snack.

She had a little backpack she was taking with her so I was going to make sure she had something to eat if she was hungry. I know she'll probably be too shy to say she's hungry.

I packed her backpack and Bey came downstairs downstairs. She was wearing sweatpants and a Nike t-shirt, we were kind of matching.

Now that we were all ready, we left to go to Kelly's house. We got there and I got Imani out of her car seat while Bey went to open the door.

Titan was already waiting by the door when Kelly opened the door so I put Imani down and she ran inside with him and they both disappeared.

"Is it alright with you if I take them to the zoo?" Kelly asked me after I got to the door too.

"Yeah, of course. My purse is in the car, I'll-"

"Girl please, I got it."

"If you argue with Onika about not letting her pay for something we'll be here all day so let's just leave now. Bye Kelly, text me."

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