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I was glad to finally be out of Houston. We just left LAX and we were on our way home now.

Imani was in the backseat sleeping and I close to falling asleep too. We had a long day and I was tired.


"Hmm?" She sounded tired too, I feel bad she has to drive after our long flight.

"Can you stay over?" I didn't want to start sleeping alone again, I got used to her.

"Not tonight, sorry."

"Why not?"

"I really just want to take a shower in my own bathroom and sleep in my own bed on my own blankets. Maybe tomorrow."

"What do you mean by that?" I knew she was tired of me.

"I just mean-" She sighed, "Okay. I'll go home, take a shower, and come over to sleep."

"Okay." I smiled and leaned my head back. I stayed up since we were close to the house.

We got back home and there were two cars in the driveway I didn't recognize.The first one had a bow on it so I knew it was from August. I had no idea who owned the second car, Amir must have a girl over.

I thanked Bey and gave her a kiss before I got out. I got Imani and I said a prayer in my head before I opened the door. He should've known he couldn't do anything under my roof and get away with it.

I walked into the house as quiet as I could, I didn't want to give him any time to hide anything or anyone.

"How about you watch that show you like with your headphones on?" I didn't want Imani to hear anything bad, Lord knows what's going on up there.

I made sure Imani was watching something before I went upstairs. I swear I could hear moaning.

Prayer isn't enough to save his ass. I just know he's not having sex in my house.

"Amir!" I knocked on the door and I could hear him curse under his breath.

"Uhh yeah?! Hold on!"

I waited and he came out of his room and closed the door behind him. Now I know for sure there's someone in there.

"What are you doing back? I thought you weren't coming back for a couple more days." I could tell by his breathing he was nervous. Him not wearing a shirt made it so much more obvious, he's bad at this.

"Is that a hickey?" I grabbed him to get a closer look. He had a big red hickey on the side of his neck. It was fresh too, I could literally see the saliva on his neck still.

"What? A hickey?" He got his phone out of his sweatpants pocket and went to the camera to get a better look. "You mean my birthmark?"

Does he really think I'm dumb? "I'm looking right at your hickey and you're trying to deny it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, there's no hickey. Is that what a hickey even looks like? I've never seen one before."

"Okay so who's car is that outside?"

He started twisting his hair around his finger. "I don't know, I already called you and told you about it."

"You know I'm not talking about that Amir. The other one."

I really didn't have the energy to yell at him, I've had a long day already. I'm going to take a nap, wake up, and go off on him later.

"I don't know. Maybe the neighbors?"

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