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boy or girl? leave your guesses before you read the chapter


Onika was in her second trimester and she was putting everyone through hell. It's like this baby is a parasite turning her into a monster.

She has a doctors appointment so we were just waiting around until it was time. I was so nervous for it.

She's starting to show now. She has a cute tiny belly. It really just looks like she ate a big meal. I can't wait until she's huge with a big belly, that's what I'm really looking forward to.

I've been hiding from her. I know it's bad to be hiding from my pregnant girlfriend but if you were in my shoes you would do the same.

I haven't left bed yet, I know the second I do she's going to find me. When she walks in here, I pretend to be asleep.

She's looking for trouble. She's going to find something to cry or be mad about.

She cries... so much. A lot more than she did at the beginning of her pregnancy. I did my research and it's normal to cry a lot at the beginning of your pregnancy, there's a lot of hormone changes going on in a woman's body and it gives her mood swings and makes her extra emotional.

I've been doing my research on things I can do to make her pregnancy easier for her and the baby. I've been trying to make her different things to eat to make her body feel less stress. I've been giving her massages and she really loves those.

I asked her to go to the gym with me one time and that was the worst mistake of my life. She cried and started throwing stuff at me.

Did I mention she started throwing stuff at me and Amir? She attacked us with pancakes one time.

She walked into the room and I played dead. I've been doing this all morning.

"I have a knife, keep playing sleep if you want to."

I instantly fake woke up. I yawned and stretched, "Hm?"

"Can you order me Cold Stone? I really want some ice cream."

"Yeah, of course."

I pulled my phone out and went to the Door Dash app. I ended up signing up for the Dash Pass because of how much I order food for Onika.

She straddled my lap and laid down on my shoulder so she could see into my phone. She pointed at all the stuff she wanted and I ordered it for her.

She got one scoop of cake batter and one scoop of french vanilla. She's boring.

I spent damn near $30 on ice cream. I don't even have a job right now.

"Let me see your phone." Here she goes..

"Why? It's on its way."

"I didn't ask if it was on its way, I asked to see your phone. Give it to me."

"No Onika."

"Why not? You have something to hide?"

"No, you just have no reason to be going through my phone. Do I go through your phone?"

"Do you know what you would see if you went through my phone? Candy Crush and cookie recipes. Let me see your phone."



"N-" She tried to snatch my phone but I had a good grip on it. I can't believe I'm fighting with this woman over my phone right now.

"Give it."

"If I let go now you're going to fall back."

"Let go."

Coach KnowlesWhere stories live. Discover now