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i survived :)


I woke up alone in Beys bed, like I do every time I spend then night here. I didn't care, I'm used to sleeping alone.

I called Amir to make sure him and Imani were okay then got out of her bed. I walked down her stairs and I could hear something playing on her tv.

I walked into her living room and she was doing some weird handstand. "Goodmorning."

"Hey goodmorning. Are you hungry? I could order you something, there's not really any actual food in my fridge unless you want a smoothie or a salad." She was still upside down talking to me.

"I'm okay. Why are you upside down?"

She brought her feet down first and sat down on the floor.

"I was just bored. I'm about to do my hair though, come upstairs with me." She jumped up and I followed her to the bathroom in her room.

She helped me onto her sink counter and got all her hair products out.

"What are you gonna do to your hair?" I swung my feet, it made me feel like a little kid.

"I'm just twisting it, I'm too lazy to do anything else right now."

"Did I do something to upset you? I feel like you're being different with me." She must still be mad at me.

"No, Im sorry I've just been so off this whole week. My mom said some stuff that really got in my head and I don't know, I hate her." I could see she was stressed just from looking at her.

"Some stuff about what?"


"Huh? Me?" I barely even know if this woman is dead of alive, why is she talking about me?

"Do you want kids?"

"I don't think we're ready to be having a conversation about kids, we haven't even had sex yet."

"Yeah but just hypothetically, do you?"

"Definitely not." I already have two, that's more than enough.

There was a moment of silence, I was waiting for her response.

"I really really love kids, I thought I wanted a bunch but she asked me something that's been on my mind a lot. She asked me what I would do if a child sneezed too close to me. I don't know. I hate the thought of being sick as much as I love kids."

"You have time to decide what you want for your future."

"I'm 36, I don't."

"That's not even that old." I'm lying, she's basically a dinosaur.

"Do you know how many miles I ran without getting out of breath?"

"Zero?" Is she really running full miles without getting tired?

"Two. I had to sit down and everything. That's never happened to me before, my body is getting weaker as we speak. I don't have forever."

"You're talking like you're about to die, if you can run two miles I think you're good."

"It's either I'm dying or I'm getting fat. I've never been like this before."

"Pull your shirt up."


"Come closer." She moved closer to me so she was in between my legs and I pulled her shirt up. She had such defined abs and she thinks she's getting fat. "Fat where?"

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