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Monday, I expected Bey to come over and apologize but she never did. Tuesday, I waited again. She could've been busy on Monday.

By Wednesday, I realized she wasn't coming. I waited until Thursday to go see her since it was a B day and she probably wouldn't be that busy.

I drove to the school and got out my car. I used my white card to get inside and went to Robyn's office.

She wasn't in there but I could see her in Beys office, her back was turned to me but from looking at Bey it looked like they were arguing.

Oh? In all the time I've known Bey, they've never seriously argued before. I couldn't hear what they were arguing about because the walls were so thick.

I knocked on the door connecting their offices and they both stopped. Robyn opened the door and she looked like she was about to cry or like she just got done crying.

Okay now I know something weird is going on. I've never once in all the years I've known Robyn see her cry.

"What's wrong?" I was concerned, something bad must've happened.

She didn't say anything and just looked at Bey.

"Robyn can we finish talking about this later? Please?" Bey looked at her with pleading eyes.

Robyn looked between Bey and I and and pushed Bey back by her shoulder. "You're an asshole. Fuck you."

She stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind her. Bey sat down at her desk and dropped her head down on the desk.

I was waiting for her to acknowledge my presence but she didn't. She was acting like there was nobody in the room.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I crossed my arms over my chest, I don't like being ignored.

"You came to me, correct?"

Who does she think she's talking to? "Yeah because you didn't come to see me. You're the liar-"

"Sit down." She didn't even yell but she way she said it made me instantly sit down. She didn't say anything right away, she picked her head up and just looked at me.

"I have been nothing but respectful and patient with you. I'm not gonna sit here and let you disrespect me anymore than you already have. I never say anything because I'm understanding but really. So either you can communicate and express your feelings like an adult or get out of my office, I'm not in the mood for this today."

She put her head down and I was stuck. First, because I have no idea who she was just talking to but also because I didn't know what to say.

I came here ready for her to apologize and for us to just get over it.

"Talk Onika."

"I don't know what to say."

She sighed and brought her head back up. "Are you my girlfriend?"

"No but-"

"But nothing, you're not my girlfriend. Why are you mad I said you're not my girlfriend if you're not? You barely even let me touch you-"

"That's what this is about? You won't claim me until I have sex with you?"

"You know that's not what anything is about. My point is, you don't even trust me enough to touch you. Whatever your reason might be, I completely understand and I'm being patient with you but we're nowhere close to being girlfriends as of right now."

"You still could've said I was your girlfriend."

"Why? Because Mel was there? Why would I lie just because we were in front of her?"

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