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and all y'all thought i was lying about not updating


I was in the middle of cooking when my phone start ringing. It was Bey so I answered right away. "Hello?"

"Hey, what are you doing right now?" There was a lot of wind in her background, she was probably either driving or running.

"Um, cooking? Why?"

"I'm bored."

"So why are you calling me?" And since when do I look like a clown?

"Because I'm at your house."

"Why?" She's just gonna come here without asking?

"Come open the door." She hung up and rang the doorbell.

I rolled my eyes and left my food to open the door. She was standing there looking normal and on her phone.

It's very rare for me to see her looking completely normal unless she's teaching or coaching.

"So you left your house and drive almost all the way here without thinking of calling me? What if I wasn't home?"

"Hey." She leaned in to kiss me but I put my hand up to stop her.

"You eat ass and you suck toes. I want your lips to stay as far away from me as possible." Even though I did kiss her minutes after she sucked my toes.

She smirked, "You can't be my girlfriend if you keep being mean to me Onika."

Now I don't know if I should be mean or nice to her. I do want to be her girlfriend but I'm not going to let her trick me into being nice.

But I guess I should be nice to her anyways.

"Are you hungry? I'm cooking right now." I took her hand and brought her inside. I held her hand all the way to the kitchen.

"What are you making?"

"I made yellow rice and shrimp." I opened one of the pots so she could see.

"It looks good. See how easy it is to be nice to me?"

I turned around so I could face her. "I'm always nice to you, what do you mean?"

"You just wouldn't kiss me because you said I eat ass and suck toes."

"So you weren't just sucking on my toes? I bet you would again if I let you."

"You have to take a shower first this time but I definitely would. Their your toes so how is that nasty?"

"If you'll suck my toes you'll suck anyone else's
toes. After I was walking around your house
barefoot too."

"My house is extremely clean, I wasn't worried. I really can't get a kiss though?"

"Fine." I was just kidding about the toe thing anyways.

She came closer and put her hands around my waist. "This is okay?"

I nodded and pushed her hands down lower. She always has her hands weirdly high.

She leaned down to kiss my and I got on my tippy toes to meet her halfway. She started off just repeatedly pecking my lips over and over.

I brought my tongue out and she kissed it instead of my lips. "Stop."

She stopped and gave me an actual kiss. I love kissing her. We don't even have to have sex, I would be fine with just kissing her.

"BeyBey!" I heard the pitter patter of feet then I felt a tiny slap on the side of my thigh. "No! Stop! Let her go!"

She was yelling like I was killing Bey. We already stopped kissing when we heard her yell and I looked down at her like she was crazy. "Did you just hit me?"

Coach KnowlesWhere stories live. Discover now