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They won.

They won 62-20. I was so proud Amir, he was scoring back to back the whole time.

My baby is the next Steph Curry but in his own right.

I also understand why Amir calls Coach Knowles the devil. I wouldn't go as far as to say all that but she is very intense when coaching.

I was many feet behind her but when she would yell sometimes I would jump too. I'm a little scared of her too now.

During the game I was sitting with some of the other basketball moms that came very early in the morning to make it to the game. I was the only one with a room.

After the game I stood in the hallway in front of the locker room talking to one of the moms and waiting for Robyn and Amir.

They were taking a long time to come out but they all eventually did.

Robyn was looking around and when we locked eyes she smiled and started walking towards me. I haven't seen her since she got here but we did text a little really early in the morning.

When was close enough she pulled me into a hug. We hugged and when we pulled away I punched her softly in the arm.

"You didn't tell me you weren't gonna be here."

"I'm sorryyyy. I had some last minute stuff to handle so I just flew down here."

We talked for a couple more minutes until Coach Knowles yelled for Robyn from by the locker room. "Fenty!"

Robyn took my hand and walked in her direction. I was confused why I had to come too but it was so loud that she wouldn't be able to hear me without me by her ear.

"You ready?" She didn't even acknowledge me.

"Onika's coming with us."

"I am?" I didn't even know where they were going.

"Yes you are." She pushed me closer to Coach Knowles, "I have to do something so I'll meet you guys there."

Before I could say anything she was gone. Now it was just Coach Knowles and I awkwardly standing here.

"I don't know what she's talking about or where you guys are going but I don't-"

"Nonsense. We were just going out to eat since because the boys said we couldn't come with them."


I don't know how she got me to come that easily, she's very persuasive.

"I've been sweating a lot so I need to take a shower so we need to go back to the hotel."

"Okay." I was just gonna go with whatever she was saying.

I got in my car to go back to the hotel and she got on the bus with the boys.

We got to our hotel room together and awkwardly smiled.

"I'm just gonna take a quick shower so whenever you're ready you can just come through the wall into my room so we can go."


We went into our separate rooms and I decided to take a shower too so I could be extra clean.

After my shower I put my suitcase on the bed so I could pick an outfit out. I didn't want to get dressed too fancy or too casual but I didn't even know where we were going.

I decided to be safe and wear leggings and another one of Amir's basketball hoodies.

I knocked on the door separating our rooms a couple times and opened the door.

Coach KnowlesWhere stories live. Discover now