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I woke up feeling nauseous. I couldn't throw up, I tried, but the feeling wouldn't go away. I sat on the bathroom rug waiting to see if I would throw up or not.

I hate being pregnant, I become such a fat bitch. All I do is eat and be mean, I may occasionally get a little horny too but that's about it.

Bey came into the bathroom rubbing the side of her face. "You alright?"

"I don't feel good but I'm fine."

"What's wrong? Is there anything I do to help?"

"I feel nauseous. I'll be fine."

"I can stop at the store and get you some stuff. I'll be back in less than 15 minutes, I promise."

She brushed her teeth then left to go to the store. I was still in the floor when she got back.

"Are you good to stand up? I don't want you eating or drinking anything in the bathroom."

I held my hands out and she picked off the floor. We went into my room and after she sat down on my bed I sat in her lap.

"I got you ginger ale but when I go home today, I'll make you something nasty but it'll be good for your nausea. I also got you some bread."

She pulled the items out of the bag. First a 2 liter bottle of ginger ale then a big ass baguette.

"You had to get the biggest options?"

"You like to eat so I thought-"

"I'm fat?"

"What? I just meant because you're pregnant."

"Mhm." She's always calling me fat.

The bread and ginger ale helped a lot. It worked just in time because Imani woke up right after I started feeling better.

The whole morning, Bey was basically moping around. She said nothing was wrong but she was walking around like Marvel announced they're never making another Spider-man movie.

I stopped her in the bathroom before she took a shower. "What's wrong?"


"You're walking around all sad, what's wrong?"

She smiled, "Nothing I'm fine. How are you feeling? Are you feeling any discomfort?" She sounds like a doctor.

"I'm fine, I'm asking about you."

"I'm good, I promise. I'm more worried about you and your womb."

"Okay, I'm just making sure." I left the bathroom. I didn't knowing she was lying or not but I couldn't pull it out of her, she was going to have to tell me herself.

I started to clean up while she took a shower and washed dishes. I went upstairs to take Amir some folded clothes then I went into my room.

Bey was lotioning with her back turned to me. I could see her bare ass, it was fat.

"I actually did want to talk about something. I just had to get my thoughts together first."

"What is it?"

"Hold on, let me get dressed first. Don't go anywhere."

I watched her finish and get dressed from in front of the door. She was built like one of superhero's she's so obsessed with, her body was so perfect.

She sat down on my bed and opened her arms. I walked in between her legs and she loosely wrapped her arms around my waist.

"So, I have another scenario."

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