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onika :)

I don't know how, but Kelly and I convinced Bey to come out with us. Imagine that, me having to convince Bey to come out and not the other way around.

Being in a relationship with her has changed me so much in a good way. I feel like a completely different person and Im happy. I'm living for myself now.

We kind of tricked Bey into it but halfway into her getting dressed at my house, she caught on.

After agreeing to wear matching Spider-man consumes with her, she gave in.

We were sitting on my couch waiting for Kelly. I don't know how she was going to get here, I think she stole Beys keys again.

Kelly texted me that she was outside so I stood up and took Beys hand. I helped her off the couch and grabbed my purse.

We went out and I locked the door behind her. A car pulled into my driveway but it wasn't Beys, it was Robyn's.

"Oh definitely not. Onika open this door." She started knocking on my door.

"Bey, come on. She's your friend."

"No she's not. Unlock the door." She started knocking on the door. Imani was sleeping so she wasn't going to ring the doorbell.

I took her hand and started pulling her to the car. I was using my good arm, she wasn't going to be able to get away.

I opened the door with my other hand. "Please get in Bey."

"We can stand here all day, I'm not getting in the car."

"Can you stop acting like a baby? Get in."

"This is kidnapping and completely against my will."

"Remember our compromise? Don't miss out on that because you don't want to get in the car."

It sounds like we're talking about sex but we're actually talking about matching Spider-man costumes, sad.

"I- okay." She sighed and got in the car.

I got in behind her and sat thigh to thigh with her.

"Giselle you're so dramatic-"

"And you're so embarrassing. Imagine being played by a child. She's a kid to you."

Robyn didn't say anything, she was just driving. That slap must've knocked some sense into her.

"How am I being played? I'm just having fun, I'm a married woman on vacation. I'm not trying to get married to this little girl."

"Okay, stop talking to me."

"When was the last time you ate? You need a snickers bar, grumpy?"

Bey just ignored her. I know Kelly was just joking but I actually haven't seen Bey eat in a while. I knew she mentioned something about having an eating disorder in the past so maybe I should ask her.

The rest of the ride wasn't weird, we were having two separate conversations.

We got to this place I've never been to and we all got out. I had to pull Bey again, I think she just likes it.

We walked into this restaurant. There was a stage at the front and a dance floor. This looked like it was for younger people, Robyn definitely picked this out.

We were seated and nobody was talking at first. A waitress came and we told her our drink orders first.

Eventually, all of us besides Bey started talking. I should've just let her stay home.

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