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i'm backkkk (kinda)


I woke up before Bey like I have this whole trip. I was going to let her sleep but I started to get bored.

I went to check on Imani first and she was still asleep. Good, now I can do what I really want to.

I brushed my teeth first then got two pieces of gum. I snuck back in bed and shook Bey until
she woke up. "What?"

"Take your boxers off." I whispered in her ear and kissed her ear lobe.


"Take your pants off so I can sit on it." I know she heard me the first time.


"She's sleeping so as long you don't yell at the top of your lungs I think you'll be fine. Take them off."

She scrambled to get her boxers off and I took my shorts off. After she was done I straddled her lap.

"Here." I handed her the two sticks of gum. I wasn't going to ask her to get up and brush her teeth, we didn't have time for all that.

After she put the gum in her mouth and chewed a couple times I leaned in to kiss her. The gum kept sliding into my mouth and I had to keep pushing it back into hers.

I started stroking her dick to get her harder. I didn't want to go too fast, I know how fast she'll cum off a handjob.

After she was hard enough I moved and lined her dick up with my entrance. I slowly moved down, it was too big for me to do it all at once.

After I was finally all the way down, we both sighed. I stayed for a second so I could get used to it then I started slowly moving up and down.

Bey put her hands on my hips and started moving me faster. Not fast enough to hurt but faster.

"Shit." That wasn't a moan, my knees weren't built for this. I'm old with kids, I cant be doing this for long periods of time.

Bey grabbed one of my boobs and put it in her mouth. I know Ms. Mommy Issues missed my nipples.

The faster Bey moved me the better it felt. I started moving faster on my own, I was getting more into it.

"Fuck- Bey-" Bey her hand over my mouth, I was started to get loud.

I moved so I was right by her ear and started quietly moaning in her mouth. I could feel her dick pulse, I know she liked it.

"Mommy?" Imani was right outside the door.

"Shit." I instantly stopped and sat down on Bey. I'm mad I didn't even get to finish. "Yes?!"

"I'm hungry, can you make me waffles?"

Bey tapped my leg and I put my pointer finger up to tell her to wait. "One second! Go into the bathroom and try to brush your teeth yourself, I'm coming!"

"Are you okay?"

Bey tapped my leg again and I ignored her, she can wait. "I'm fine, go."

Bey tapped my leg one more time and I was just about to get off her when she came inside of me.

She let out a sigh of relief, "I was holding that in for so long."

"Did you just- I know you didn't." There's no way.

"I was trying to tell you but you wouldn't listen. I'm sorry."

"We should've used a condom. Now we need to go to the store and get a Plan B." Rushing to the store for Plan B's is such a high school thing to do. Memories.

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