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can y'all see this?


I woke up before Bey like I have been. Instead of waking her up like I usually would, I was stalking her exes Instagram.

It was almost too easy to find, it's not like there's that many people named Nafessa from Houston.

At first I was just looking at her posts to be nosy but as I got further down, I started seeing pictures with Bey.

She should've deleted them, they broke up a while ago. Weirdo.

She had a birthday post up for Bey with a thread of pictures and videos. At least now I know when her birthday is.

The first picture was them in bed and she was recording a sleeping Bey. Bey was laying her head on top of hers and snoring with her mouth open. She never sleeps with me like that.

I swiped to the next picture. This picture was just Bey, she was sitting across her at a dinner. It looked like it was their anniversary or one of their birthdays. Bey was cheesing at the camera, she looked too happy.

The next was a picture of them in a gym. The entire wall was a mirror and her and Bey were both flexing in it. I can't work out with Bey, I would die.

That's another advantage she has over me. She can do what Bey likes with her. I don't eat the nasty ass food she likes and I'm definitely not working out with her.

The next video had my stomach hurting. Her and Bey were on the beach dancing, her back was to Beys chest and Beys arms were wrapped around her. I can barely dance, damn it.

Bey started doing wake up and I locked my phone. I was on her chest still so if she opened her eyes she would see what I was doing.

"You didn't wake me up today." Beys morning voice is something different. Now I remember why I wanted to have sex with her yesterday morning.

"Yeah, I wanted to let you sleep. I know you were tired yesterday." I'm lying so bad right now.

"Oh, thank you."

She rubbed my back a couple times and stopped. She wasn't saying anything either so I assumed she went back to sleep. I unlocked my phone and swiped to the next picture.

"Is that Nafessas Instagram?"

I jumped, I wasn't expecting to hear her voice. "Huh?" I unlocked my phone and put it on her stomach.

"I just saw it on your phone Onika."

"Why does she still have pictures of you up?"

"That was from like a year ago, I doubt she cares enough to go through all her posts and delete every trace of my existence."

"No, it's weird. Look at this caption." I showed her my phone so she could see.

@nafessawilliams: Chile... where do I start? You told me the only thing you wanted for your birthday was for us to spend the whole day together. That's what I love about you, you don't need anything but me. Vice versa, you're the only person I truly need. If we were the only two people left on earth I think the both us would actually like that better. You push me and I push you, weather it be you pushing me to do things with my business or the both of us pushing each other in the gym. You're always encouraging me to push my limits and step out of my boundaries. (In the bedroom too, my baby is a freak y'all.) I feel like I've seen the world with you. In our living room or out the county. I couldn't ask for a better life partner. No matter what happens, I'll forever be yours and you'll forever be mine. Happy birthday soulmate, I love you.

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