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i wrote this in three and a half hours i'm so proud of myself :)


Bey called me earlier to let me know she was coming over later to "hang out" with Imani. That's what she promised Imani so she would tell her about what August did.

I said okay and quickly got off the phone with her. I haven't been feeling good all day but it's probably stress.

I ignored it because I had other things to do. I had to figure out how to bake and individually wrap over gluten-free brownies.

I didn't want to ask Robyn for help because she would just send Bey.

Amir came home and went straight to take a shower. He needed to, he smelled like sweat.

About an hour later, someone rang the doorbell and I knew it had to be Bey. I set down what I was doing and wiped my hands so I could open the door.

I opened the door and Bey was standing there in a tracksuit holding a bag.

"Hey Onika. How are you feeling?"

"Fine. Imani!"

Imani was in the basement messing with Amir's stuff. She yelled that she was coming so that probably means she's putting everything back where it's supposed to be. She thinks she's slick.

"Could we talk? I wanted to talk yesterday too but you weren't feeling like it- I now understand why but- can we talk?"

"I'm busy right now. Maybe later."

"But-" Imani came running up the stairs and she stopped talking.

Imani ran to her and while she was distracted I slipped back away into the kitchen.

Imanis a handful so she didn't have any time to try and talk to me.

I work fast alone so I was moving as fast as possible so I could lay down. I knew there wasn't anything seriously wrong with me but I just didn't feel good, it's been a long week.

I got on the counter to get a measuring cup from the top shelf and when I turned back around Bey was standing right in front of me.

Of course, Imani never stays awake for a while movie. I don't think she's ever seen a movie beginning to end.

"Excuse me, I can't get down with you standing here."

"That's the point. We need to talk."

"I already told you I'm busy." I had to finish these brownies and find time to fold clothes before I go to sleep.

"Just for a second."

I sighed and sat down on the counter since she wasn't going to get out of my way. "Okay."

"Are you mad at me?" She poked her bottom lip out like a baby.

"Why would I be mad? It's not like I asked you to do something and you did the complete opposite." That wasn't even the main reason I was mad but it didn't sit well with me either.

"I was literally begging you not to and not once did you stop and think "hmm maybe Onika has a good reason for why she doesn't want me to do this" or "maybe I should listen to Onika." It's not like the man is the father of my children and their sole provider. Who cares what Onika says or wants?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't think of it like that."

"I had the situation under control. I'm a grown woman, I can handle myself."

"Onika he gave you a concussion and broke your phone. Respectfully, you didn't have anything under control."

"He pushed me once after I pushed him first and he pulled my hair a little bit. I was fine, he wasn't giving me black eyes or anything like you're making it seem."

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