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I woke up bright and early at 4:00am to wake Amir and Bryson up.

I crept down to my kitchen and got two pots. I walked into the living room where they were sleeping.

They were all cuddled up on my couch. Bryson was laying on his back and Amir was on his side against the couch.

I went right by their ears and slammed the two pots together. They both jumped up and Bryson fell on the floor.

"What the hell?" Amir sat up and rubbed his forehead.

"Get up."

"For what?" Bryson got off the floor and sat down on the couch.



"You showed up at my house in the middle of the night after drunk driving and you thought nothing was going to happen? Your actions have consequences, get up."

They started to slowly get up so I slammed the pots together again.

They jumped up and Amir held his forehead. "Coach, I really don't feel good."

"That's too damn bad." He was just hungover, he'll survive.

They weren't in suits anymore so I wasn't going to offer them a change of clothes.

"I'll go easy on you, just run around my neighborhood twice. I'll be outside watching."

I lightly pushed them outside. I sat down on my porch while they ran two laps. They looked terrible, I don't know if they were gagging to make me feel bad or if they just drank that much.

After they were done running, they slowly walked back up to my door. Those two laps probably felt like ten.

I walked inside first and held the door open for them. I turned around to lock the door but I heard gagging behind me.

I quickly turned around and held the pot out. Amir grabbed it and I ran outside.

I waited a couple minutes to give him enough time to finish throwing up then I walked back inside.

"Throw the pot away." I walked past them to get my cleaning supplies.

I went under my sink and got my caddy of cleaning supplies.

They were back sitting on the couch. They were leaning on each other, they looked dead.

I sprayed a disinfectant and wiped the area down where it happened.

I was trying my best to stay calm but they were making it really hard. He threw up in my home.

"Get your stuff and let's go." I wanted them out, I can't believe they really threw up.

They both slowly stood up and started walking to the door. I opened it and let them get out first so I could lock the door behind me.

Amir got in the front and Bryson got in the back. I got in and sighed, these kids are really going to be the death of me.

"You don't want to sit in the back with Bryson?" I remembered what he said last night so I wasn't going to say anything to try and be funny.

"He's alright."

"Amir after last night-"

"Not in my car. Wait until you get to school." Not after the last time, I found out way more than I would ever need to know.

Amir pulled out his phone and I think they started texting. Onika needs to take that phone again.

We got to Brysons house first and I unlocked the door. Bryson started to get out and Amir didn't. I elbowed the side of Amir's arm. "Go walk him inside."

Coach KnowlesWhere stories live. Discover now