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I was in the middle of cutting up some vegetables for dinner when Kelly walked into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" I was only asking because she was dressed too nicely to be lounging around my house.

"Come on." She was spinning my car keys around her pointer finger.


"Girl just put the knife down and get some shoes on. You ask too many questions."

I can't ask where we're going now?

I cleaned up anyways and put some Air Forces on. I didn't know if I should change or not because I had no idea where we were going so I didn't.

By the time I was done, Kelly was waiting for me in the drivers seat if my car. Kelly honked the horn and I got in the passenger seat.

"Who said you could drive you car?"

"What's yours is mine, I'm your best friend." She smiled and pulled out of my driveway.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?"

"Just hush and enjoy the ride." She was following the gps on her but it wasn't saying the directions so I didn't know where we were going.

I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the ride like she said. I didn't open my eyes until I heard her talk.

"Hey girl, I'm here... Okay, see you in a second. Bye."

We were at Onikas house? "What are we doing here?"

"Just wait."

Onika came out of her house in leggings and a t shirt, oh she's dressed up. She had her purse and she came to my side of the window and opened the door.

"Where are we going?" I was very lost.

"We.." She gestured to her and Onika. "...are going to a spa and getting massages. You on the other hand, are babysitting."

"I thought you told her?"

"You were supposed to, you were with her all night."

"Huh? How did you guys even plan this? Since when do you talk?" I had so many question. 

"We have an appointment and we're already late."

"Onika?" She hasn't really said anything this whole time.

"Sorry. Next time Kelly said you can come."

"Yeah, we need to go out with Robyn too."

I rolled my eyes, "No we don't."

"Stop being like that. Move so Onika can get in the car."

"You guys are so weird." I got out the car and started walking away but Onika grabbed my hand.

"Don't be mad Bey." She pulled me closer to her after I turned around.

"I'm not."

"Kiss me then." She poked her lips out and I pecked them.

"Okay, have fun." I wasn't mad but I was tired. I need a vacation.

I pulled my hand out of hers and walked into her house. I couldn't see anyone but I could hear crying already.

I went upstairs and followed the crying to Imanis room. I knocked on the door a couple times then opened the door.


I could see her sitting up in her bed with her blanket over her head. I sat down next to her and slowly pulled the blanket over her head.

"What's wrong?" She was crying to hard she was starting to choke so I softly patted her back.

Coach KnowlesWhere stories live. Discover now