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it's my birthdayyy 🥳 (also i just published a new book go read it)


Today was Imanis birthday and the day of her birthday party. To say I was stressed would be an understatement.

I woke up extra early to set the backyard up. That's where they're going to be, I don't want a bunch of little kids running around my house.

I set everything up mostly by myself. Amir did everything I couldn't reach but that was it. 

I don't know what Bey did but it's like he's a complete different person. It's scary.

Someone rang the doorbell and I knew it was Bey. It was over an hour before the party was actually supposed to start.

I opened the door and she was standing there with a party hat on. I laughed because she's a literal child.

"Hi Bey." I got on my tippy toes to kiss her and she put her arms around my waist.

"Hey beautiful."


"What? I can't call you beautiful?"

"Nevermind. Where's Kelly?" I pulled her inside the house and closed the door.

"Getting the cake."

"Like I asked you to do?"

"It's getting done Onika. It doesn't matter by who."

"Okay." I pulled her into the kitchen. She was just letting me drag her wherever.

"Where's Imani?"

"Sleeping thank God. I can get everything done."

"Do you need help with anything else?"

"No, everything's good now I'm just waiting on the cake."

She smirked, "So what do you want to do until people start to get here."

I matched her smirk, "You could massage my feet. Maybe even my back."

She sighed, "Let's go upstairs."

We went upstairs and she massaged my feet until Kelly got here with the cake. While Bey and Kelly were downstairs, I went to wake Imani up.

She had her outfit next to her on her bed again. She was so excited, I was letting her dress like a Disney princess today.

She got her hair straightened so she's been feeling herself. I'm glad the scarf stayed on while she was taking a nap.

I softly shook her and that was enough to wake her up. I feel bad, she's not even a deep sleeper like how she used to be.

"Wake up birthday girl."

She started to smile, "It's my birthday."

"Your friends are about to start coming over, we need to get you dressed like a princess."

"I can put it on myself, I'm a big girl mommy."

"Well excuse me, how could I forget? Come brush your teeth first."

Imani wanted to do everything by herself because she's a "big girl" so I just watched over her to make sure she was doing everything right.

The doorbell rang and Imani ran down the stairs. I followed behind her to open the door.

Two of her favorite friends came together so they all ran out side to the back together. I talked to the mom that dropped them off for a couple minutes and she left. I hope none of them decide to stay.

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