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Bey stayed the night again. I would've told her to go home if I knew she was going to make me up before 5:00 am.

"Onika.. Onika." I woke up to her hovering over me shaking me.

"Move." I pushed her hand off me. It was too early.

"I'm just going without you then. Bye."

I wrapped my legs around her. "Stay with me."

Since my legs were around her, she picked me up. Damn it. She set me on the sink like I do to Imani.

"Get ready. You have 30 minutes." That wasn't enough time, first of all.

"Take me back to bed." It's too early and she brought me here against my will.

"It'll be fun. I'll take you to the mall after."

"The mall?"

"Yeah." She put her hands on my thighs and started warming them by rubbing them.

"Okay, I'll go. Get out."

"I can't watch you pee?" She looked offended.

"You don't let me watch you pee. I've asked."

"Yeah, but you sit down to pee. It's not a big deal. Don't be lame Onika."

"Bye Bey."

She sighed and left the bathroom. After she left, I started to get ready. It took me more than 30 minutes.

We left in Beys car, she was so excited to show me the gym.

I was just tired. I was trying to listen to what she was saying but I was falling asleep. The most I could do was just hum in agreement.

We got to the gym and Bey got our first to open my door. I almost fell out, I was leaning my head against the window.

After I got out she held my hand. She was so excited like a little kid.

"I hope you know I'm not doing any exercising. I'm just here because you asked."


She walked up to this front desk and when the girl at the desk looked up, she started smiling. "Bey! It's so good to see you, I though you started going to another gym."

She girl was pretty. She had tattoos everywhere and she was short and lightskin. I get this is a gym, but she barely had any clothes on.

"Yeah, I've been busy. I was out of town for a while too. This is my girlfriend, Onika."

"Hi." I waved. I didn't like her already.

"Hi, nice to meet you. Bey, give me one second I'll get your stuff."

She smiled again then turned around and went to the back.

"Did you just look at her butt?" She definitely did, I know what I saw.


"I swear to God I just saw you look at that girls ass." Now she's trying to act dumb.

"I didn't look at her butt."

"So you're lying? I literally watched you."

"On my mothers grave I didn't."

"Now you're just trying to be funny. I'm not laughing."

The girl came back so she didn't say anything. She handed Bey a towel and hand sanitizer.

Bey smiled and took the towel and hand sanitizer from the girl. "Thank you, you're the best."

Coach KnowlesWhere stories live. Discover now