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a lot of this is straight dialogue sorry


I was trying to enjoy a relaxing bath but Robyn kept calling me. I didn't have to look at my phone to know it was her.

I just dropped Imani off at August's house for the weekend and Amir was at some sleepover with his basketball friends.

I tried to ignore it at first but my phone was connected to a speaker and she kept stopping my music by calling me.

After a while I groaned and grabbed my phone, I can't have one night to myself. "What?!"

"Why are you mad? I'm the one that should be mad you're ignoring me."

"I'm trying to enjoy this rare moment of complete silence in my house. You're interrupting my music." To say I was annoyed would be an understatement.

"Oh bitch if you were playing with yourself that's all you had to say."

"I'm just taking a regular bath, shut up."

"Oh well in that case come over. Beys over here and Mel might come over later."


"Why not? You need more social interactions with people your age. You spend all your time with your kids or alone."

"Fine. I'll be over there in an hour." I wasn't even going to argue with her, she wasn't wrong.

I drained my bathtub and got in the shower. I only took a quick shower and did all my hygiene.

An hour later I was dressed and ready to go. I had on a simple pair of jeans and a red t-shirt.

I grabbed my purse and I was on my way to Robyn's apartment. She lived close to the school so it was about a 30 minute drive.

I continued listening to the music I was listening to before Robyn interrupted me. It helped the time go by and before I knew it I was knocking on Robyn's apartment door.

She lives in a very nice building, the school pays really well.

Robyn opened the door and I could already tell she had some alcohol in her system. "Jeans? You must be wearing these for Bey because I've seen you wear jeans more since she moved here than I have in all the time I've known you."

"Hey." I wasn't even going to entertain her shenanigans. She moved to the side so I could walk in and I did.

Coach Knowles was sprawled out on her couch wiping tears away. When she noticed me she sat halfway up and smiled. "Hey!"

"Are you okay?" I was confused, she was smiling and crying at the same time.

"She's fine, she's crying over a dumbass tv show. Here, take a shot." Robyn put a shot in front of me but I didn't take it.

"No?" I have to drive home and I only drink wine. Whatever was in there was definitely a lot stronger than wine.

"Just take it and I'll get you some wine so you can be a grandma for the rest of the night."

I took the shot and my throat felt like it was on fire, I wasn't used to it. I looked around for something to drink and Robyn ran into the kitchen and came back with a red solo cup.

I drank what was in the cup and I was gulping so fast to make the burn go away but it was only getting worse. When I realized what it was I immediately spit what was in my mouth back out. "Is that Hennessy? Are you serious?"

"Did you just spit in my cup?" Coach Knowles asked from behind me.

"You gave me her cup? That's so gross." Drinking after other people is so nasty.

Coach KnowlesWhere stories live. Discover now