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Spring break was officially over and Bey was going back to work. I was sad she was going to leave me, I got used to being around her all the time.

I woke up extra early because I was feeling nauseous but I didn't wake her up. She was snoring right in my ear but I didn't really mind. I like anything she does.

There was a knock at the door. It had to be Amir, Imanis hands aren't that heavy.

"Come in." I was quieter than usual, I didn't want to wake Bey up.

Amir walked in and quietly closed the door behind him. "Good morning. I have a question."

"What is it?" He better not ask me for his phone back.

"I know I'm on punishment but prom is coming up and it's my senior year. Can I please go?"

"Do you actually want to go to prom or are you lying to go somewhere else?" I don't trust him at all now, he's lied too many times.

"I want to go to actual prom, I swear."

I guess we weren't as quiet as we thought we were because Bey started to stir in her sleep. She wasn't awake but her hand started sliding up my hand and grabbed my boob.

Amir gagged and covered his eyes. For the first time, I got it. I wouldn't want to see anyone grabbing my moms boobs either.

"Bey, stop." I pushed her hand back down but they just went back up.

"Let me suck a little nipple before I have to get up."

I know she didn't just ask for a nipple in front of my son.

Before I could say anything to Amir, he was gone.

Bey had some time before I had to go wake Imani up so I let her do her own thing until it was time.

I made her get up so I could. She needed to start getting ready for work anyways.

Getting Imani up and ready was even harder than usual today. She was used to being able to sleep in all day.

I had to promise her Mcdonald's if she cooperated with me and has a good day. Kids are actual terrorists.

I also let her pick out her own outfit. The only thing she could t do is wear a tutu. She always complains about it getting messed up then she wants to throw them away.

Every single time. Quality tutus are a lot more expensive than you would think.

While Imani was picking out her outfit, I left and knocked on Amir's door. I didn't check to see if he was getting ready since he was already up.

He opened the door with his backpack already on. He was dressed a little too nice, I didn't trust it.

"You didn't get the chance to give me an answer."

"You swear you're just going to prom?"

I have no problem being mean or strict but it starts to be difficult when it comes to him because I always think back to me as a teenager. I was traumatized and I don't want him to be.

The situation and circumstances are very different. He put himself in this predicament, he didn't have to lie or be disrespectful but he chose to.

I still can't say no to certain things because I didn't have the opportunity to and I want him to be able to.

I'm not dumb, there's a high chnace he's going to do something he's not supposed to or do something to Bryson since most of his problems have to do with him.

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