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Out of nowhere, Bey called me telling me she was taking me out. August was still ignoring me so Imani was with me over the weekends now, I thinks she likes it better this way anyways.

Amir said he would watch Imani as long as I let him go to this party. I definitely wouldn't have let him go without him bribing me so he's smart.

Bey wasn't telling me where she was taking me, all she said was that I should drive to her house and she would handle the rest. I don't know what she means like that but I don't want to assume because I could be wrong.

After I made sure Amir knew I was leaving and Imani was asleep I left. I needed her to be asleep or she would start crying because I'm going to see Bey without her.

The whole ride to Beys house I was just thinking. First of all, she hasn't talked to me since the day I went to see her until she called me about today.

She said she needed time to herself. I think she was just still mad at me.

Another thing I was thinking about was how I wanted to be her girlfriend. I mean she already treats me like her girlfriend and I didn't like it when she said I wasn't so obviously I want to be her girlfriend.

She likes me so I don't see why not.

After I parked in her driveway, I grabbed my nurse from my passenger seat and went to ring her doorbell.

She opened the door actually looking normal and I was confused. She didn't have on a stupid hat or some weirdly specific outfit on.

"Are you okay?" Maybe she hit her head, that's the only explanation I could think of.

"Yes? Do I not seem okay?" She felt her own forehead and cheeks.

"No you just- never mind, you look nice."

"Thank you, you look even better."

I was wearing something different than my usual jeans or leggings. I'm not sure if I like it or not but Bey definitely did.

"Are you going to let me in or are we just gonna stand here?" I was still waiting outside and it was windy.

"Just for a little bit longer. Do you wanna go out or stay in today?"

"Let's do whatever you had planned for us, it doesn't matter to me."

"It's the same activity, in or out."

"In." That didn't sound right at all. I like just doing stuff at her house over going out. I'm a home body not by choice.

"Okay, now you can come in." She moved out the way so I could walk it. It was spotless in here, as usual.

"What are we doing?" She didn't have a movie up so I was confused.

"One second, make yourself comfortable." She ran off somewhere and I sat down on her couch.

She came back holding two easels in one hand and a bag in the other. She changed into this apron looking thing and a baret.

This is what I was expecting from her. Even if the hat and a lot of other things about her are weird, I kinda like it. It makes things more fun.

Shes a lot better than someone who's idea of a date is eating McDonalds in the car while he makes drops and only personality trait is being a real nigga.

I think her weirdness and niceness is something I need, I'm too old for fake thugs and alpha males.

"What's all that for?"

Coach KnowlesWhere stories live. Discover now