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After we got home, Bey and Kelly made plans to go out. I stayed home with Imani and we watched movies until she fell asleep.

I tried to stay up and wait for Bey but it was getting later and later and she still wasn't back so I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to whispering and giggling. I sat up and Bey and Kelly were leaving the bathroom.

"See? You woke your girlfriend up." Kelly slapped Beys arm and Bey pushed her back.

"Leave Kelly." Bey was obviously drunk from how she was talking.

I just laid back down and closed my eyes again. As long as they didn't wake Imani, I didn't care what they were doing.

The door opened and closed and I assume Kelly left. I heard Bey moving around and crawl into bed.

"Are you awake Onika?"


"Come cuddle with me. Please?"

I turned over and laid my head on her chest and put one of my legs over her whole body. I just wanted her to stop talking to me so I could go back to sleep, I don't know what time it is but it was definitely past midnight.

She put her arm around me and into my shorts from the top. She squeezed my ass and giggled.

"What are you doing?" She was playing with it like a stress ball now.

"I would like to fuck you, please." She was slurring her words. If she was sober she wouldn't have said fuck.

"Leave me alone, goodnight." I don't know how many times I've had to say this but I hate being woken up.

"Let me put you to sleep, lay on your back."

I was tired but I wasn't going to pass on the opportunity so I moved off of her and laid on my back.

She moved down and pulled my shorts off. I was staring at the ceiling waiting for her but instead I heard snoring. Again? Is she serious?

I moved her from in between my legs to the side of me and went to sleep. I was tired anyways, I didn't care.

When I woke up Bey was in bed next to me. At least she woke up and got all the way in bed.

I laid around until I got bored and went to see if Imani was awake. I opened the door just a crack and she was sitting up watching tv. That's exactly why she doesn't have a tv in her room.

"Good morning."

"Morning mommy. I'm starving, can I have some cereal?" She put her hand on her stomach. She's so dramatic, she ate right before she went to sleep.

"Yeah, let's go downstairs and I'll make you some." She jumped out of bed and I picked her up.

We went downstairs and Ginny was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. I made Bey kick Ginny out of the bed, I'm not sharing her with a dog.

After we got down the stairs the dog was jumping on my legs trying to get to Imani, they became friends over the couple days we've been here.

She still doesn't like me for whatever reason but I don't care, I don't like her either. She needs to go back to her gorgeous mother.

"You can't have my daughter, bye. Leave us alone." I walked past her and she followed me.

"Mommy put me down so I can play with Ginny!" She's always yelling about something.

I put her down and her and Ginny went into the living room to watch tv. She'll really choose anyone over me, even a dog.

"What type of cereal do you want?!" I had to yell across the room because she already turned the tv on. I don't even know how she knows how to work Beys tv.

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