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Onika and I spent most of the morning and afternoon together until I had to start getting ready to go over to Tina's.

The entire way there, I was dreading having to talk to Tina. I haven't been over there because I was out of town and she just heard me with Onika on the phone. I'm grown so I don't care but I just don't want to hear her mouth

I quietly knocked on the door again hoping Tina wouldn't be the one to open the door and she wasn't, Solange opened the door.

"Dark or light?" She didn't even say hi.


"Okay. Go upstairs, I'll get cups."

"Okay." I went upstairs into the same room we were in last time.

She came back upstairs with a bottle of some fancy alcohol Richard probably likes and two glasses. "Why's she mad this time?"

"I don't know if she's mad but last night she called me and my girlfriend started making noise to make her presence known."

"Girlfriend? Last time you said you guys were just friends, good job. I didn't think you had it in you." She filled the glass up halfway and handed it to me.

"I've had multiple girlfriends, I don't know what you mean by that."

"Yeah, multiple girlfriends at the same time." She laughed and covered it up by taking a sip of her drink.

"Didn't you cheat on your-"

"This isn't about me. That's why mamas gonna beat your ass."

"I wish she would. That hip would get knocked out of place."

"You know you're wrong. And did you give your friend my number? Why was she texting me?"


"Yes girl, she was flirting her ass off."

"Oh so you do this cheating stuff for real? I thought it was just a one time thing."

"She has a boyfriend anyways and it's not like we're scissoring, we had one text conversation."

"Block her." Even though Solange and I aren't close, I'm protective over her. She's still my little sister.

"Block her for what? She's funny, I like talking to her."

"You just said you had one text conversation so no you don't. Just block her, you don't even know her."

"I'm a grown woman. She's in a whole relationship and like you said, I barely know her. It's not that deep."

"Okay Solo. She flirts with anything with two legs, including Kelly?"

"Kelly is on the whole other side of the world, I don't care what she does with Kelly's old weirdo ass. Me and this girl aren't even friends, I don't know her and I'm not about to do anything more than text her."

"Not too much on Kelly. She's not on the other side of the world, she's in Houston first of all. And she's coming over here soon so don't before we jump you. You know we used to do that when you were younger."

"I chased you with a cheeseburger once and you cried."

"I was like 10, that doesn't even count." That's unfortunately a true story.

"Oh really? I'm about to drop a piece of chicken on the floor and watch how you run for your life. Stop playing with me Giselle."

I miss this. We used to be like this but stuff happens. Me moving back here is slowly making us closer.

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