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Saturday, they had back to back games. Amir was out of the house by 6:00am so I guess they were important.

Lucky for me, Imani and I got to sleep in. I feel bad for her, she got used to the routine of going to Augusts house for the weekend and all of a sudden it just stopped.

She's far from dumb. The other day she asked me if her daddy was mad at her.

I hate August. He hasn't responded to me since I left him that voicemail. I guess he made his decision. It's for the best anyways.

After laying in bed for a couple hours watching Disney Channel, Imani and I got out of bed to get ready to watch Amir play.

Since Imani knew she was going to see Bey, she wanted me to dress her up like a baby stud. I think it's the fitted hat and ponytail that really does it.

I was wearing yoga pants and a long sleeve shirt. I looked like a regular basketball mom.

When we got to the game, it was already packed. I had to drive around for five minutes just looking for somewhere to park.

The second we walked into the gym, Imani ran for Bey. Bey picked her up the second she saw her and went back to talking for the team.

I waved at Bey and went to find a seat. The game started and Bey was still holding Imani, she looked like her daughter.

Not even 20 minutes into the game Imani came up to where I was sitting and got in my lap.

"You didn't want to stay with BeyBey?" I know she would never choose to be with me instead of Bey and I'm her mother.

"She was yelling and saying bad words. I didn't like it."

I get that. When Beys actually coaching she's scary.

During halftime I was looking for Bey but I couldn't find her anywhere.

"You hungry Mani?" I just wanted an excuse to go look for Bey.

Of course she said yes so I got my purse and went down the bleachers.

I went out the back door to the gym so I could avoid walking through a crowd. It was extra crowded today.

I stopped walking when I saw Bey talking to some woman. She was taller than me but shorter than Bey, she was pretty.

She was leaning against a locker biting her lip but Bey said something that made them both laugh. She was out of breath from laughing and she put her hand on Beys bicep.

It couldn't have been that funny.

"Mommy, we're stalking BeyBey?" Imani whispered in my ear, she's actually good at whispering for a little kid.

"Yes so shh."

I wanted to see what Bey was going to do about this woman and her hand.

She didn't do anything. She continued talking to the woman like nothing was wrong so I turned around to go get Imani food.

All Imani wanted was a bag of candy so I got her that and went back to where I was sitting.

The won 42-38, the game was very intense. They had another game later but I was trying to rush home to make Imani lunch and bring Amir something to eat.

"Onika!" Bey was running through the parking lot, a car almost hit her.

I didn't stop walking but she's so fast that she caught up to me anyways.

"I didn't get a chance to say hi to you earlier so, hi."

"Hello." I tried to open the door to get Imani in but she put her hand over the door. I didn't like that at all.

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