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very short chapter


Robyn was forcing me to go to this stupid game night at her house. She said it was just going to be her, Mel, and Bey not including me and that made me want to go even less.

I thought she said she was going to keep Beys mistress and girlfriend away from each other. Obviously I'm not Beys girlfriend or anything close and Mel isn't a mistress but still.

It's going to be weird for me because they're going to be flirting or whatever they do and Robyn will be either drunk or high or both so I'll just be awkwardly to the side.

Imani was with August and Amir is 17 so I really had no excuse not to go.

Since I had a concussion Amir had to drive himself and Imani to school. Obviously not in my car, I lied and told August there was something wrong with my car and I needed to borrow one of his for the week.

I might just get him a car, not having to drive him and Imani to school would save me so much time. Plus not having to drive him to
practice and games would free some time up in my afternoons.

I'll have to talk to August about it but knowing him, he's not going to do anything for me unless I do something for him.

Robyn told me to "wear something sexy" so I was going in leggings and a long sleeve shirt.

Amir was in his room yelling at his tv so I don't think he even noticed I left. He was either playing that basketball game or that shooting game with his friends.

I drove as slowly as I could to Robyn's house. I should've just made up a lie.

To get into any part of Robyn's apartment, even the parking garage, you need a key fob so I had to call her come down and let me in.

She liked the message and sent me a middle finger emoji. Whatever that means.

A minute later Robyn came to let me in. The whole walk up to her apartment she was complaining that I was dressed like a mom and I was going to let Mel steal Bey from me.

We walked in and I couldn't hear anything. We walked down the little hallway and Bey had her arm around Mel. As soon as she saw us she moved her arm.

Mel stood up and I gave her a side hug. "Hey Nika, it's been so long."

I wouldn't say Mel and I are friends. We only hang out if we're with Robyn and I barely hang out with Robyn because I'm always busy.

"The way you and Robyn say my name is so funny. But yeah, it's been way too long."

They say "Neeka" because of their accents.

"Hold on, I'll be back." Mel walked into the kitchen to do something.

"Hey Onika." Bey waved at me from her seat.

I just nodded and sat down next to Robyn on the other side of the coffee table.

Mel came back and say down next to Bey.

"Mel scoot over." Her and Bey were sitting thigh to thigh.

"Bitch suck my dick."

"Kill yourself. Sit next to the arm rest. You're such a slut, I swear."

"Robyn Rihanna Fenty calling me a slut? It must be a cold day in hell. You-"

"Let's play Uno." Bey blurted out.

"Okay let me get the cards." Robyn got up with a deck of uno cards.

She shuffled them and started putting them down on the table for us. "No stacking. Just play like a normal person."

After the first round I started to loosen up. I really do love competition.

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