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I woke up with Beys hands gripping my boob in her sleep. She was pressed against me from behind and snoring right in my ear.

I picked her arm up and turned around. After I was facing her I put her arm back down and let it drape over my waist.

I stared at her until I got bored of being awake alone and started to wake her up. I shook her shoulder until I heard her make a noise.


I'm glad she started sleeping in, usually she barely sleeps. She's actually letting herself enjoy this vacation and not wake up to work out and whatever else she does while I'm sleeping.

"Wake up please." I pecked her lips, she doesn't mind.

"Why?" She pulled my closer to her by my waist.

"I'm bored, talk to me." I poked her cheek and she scrunched her face up.

"You're the one that woke me up, you talk to me." She still hasn't opened her eyes yet.

"About what?"

She shrugged, "Whatever's on your mind."

"I really like you, I don't know why you think I don't. I'm so scared to lose you and maybe that's why I act the way I do sometimes. You're such a breath of fresh air, you're basically the only thing in my life that isn't kids or baking cookies or laundry. I don't want you to- are you sleeping?"

I stopped talking and I could hear her lightly snoring. Is she serious? I'm over here professing my like for her and she fell asleep?

I had nothing else to to do I closed my eyes so I could try and go to sleep again. I turned around and she came behind me again, she didn't want there to be any space between us. Just as I was dozing off, my phone started ringing.

Amir was calling me. I answered, I was meaning to call him anyways. I check on him at least twice a day.

I know he's doing something he has no business doing, I know how teenagers are. I don't care if I'm 5'3 and he's over 6", I'm going to give him an ass whopping of a lifetime after I catch him.


"Uhhh there's a random car with a bow on it in the driveway."

"What? What type of car?"

"It's a Benz and the top is down. There was keys for it on the welcome mat. I brought it inside, I don't really know what to do."

That's definitely August. "Don't touch it, just leave it alone until I get back. Was there anything else weird outside?"

"Nothing elder that I saw. Why is the car there? Is it mine?"

"I don't know and no, that's why I said not to touch it. Why were you outside this early anyways?"

"I was hooping."

"With who?"


His answers were fast, almost like they were rehearsed. He must've thought of a lie before he called me because he knew I would ask.

"And he drove you there?" He better not have touched my car or so help me God..

"Yeah, to and back." Then it got silent, too silent. There was no background noise, he was on mute.


"Yeah sorry, what did you say? I dropped my phone."

"I asked what else you're doing today."

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