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Today was states and I still wasn't letting Amir play. He's been sulking around all week but I don't care.

He needs to learn that his actions have consequences. He thinks he can get away with whatever he wants and he can't go into college with that mindset.

Drunk driving was one of the most irresponsible things he could've done. All I could think about was the worst case scenarios.

I was still letting him go watch. He should be grateful he was getting that much.

I wasn't going to watch if Amir wasn't playing so Bey was taking him.

They're all buddy buddy all of a sudden. I don't like it. They're both liars and sneaky, I can't trust it. They can't be up to any good together.

I also signed Imani up for cheer. We made a deal, if she talks to her psychiatrist then I'll let her do cheer.

I just want to get better. It's been weeks since her first appointment and I've taken her twice a week since then but she doesn't really talk, she just sits there.

She'll answer questions but she doesn't really elaborate. She won't even answer any questions about me. I guess that's my fault, I taught her not to say anything especially not about August.

I tried to tell her it's okay to talk to her and I've tried to bribe her with candy and cookies but she just doesn't want to.

She doesn't even talk to Bey anymore. I think she's depressed.

Her being like this is making me feel the same way. I just want to be able to help but I don't know what to do anymore.

She still likes watching tv and movies with me so that's what we were doing. We were watching that we don't talk about Bruno movie. I don't even know what it's called but I know that damn song.

Imani fell asleep halfway into the movie like she always does. My phone started vibrating on my bed and I picked it up, it was Robyn calling me.

Maybe Amir was doing something he wasn't supposed to and that's why she's calling. I answered, "Hello?"

"Hey, you should probably come to the school."


"Beys losing her shit, like flipping tables and stuff."

"What? Why?"

"Some of the boys pulled a prank-"

"I'm on my way." I hung up, I already know what happened.

Me being me, I got Imani into the car without waking her up. I started quickly driving to the school.

I really home she doesn't kill anyone. I could only imagine what she's doing right now.

I got to the school but I couldn't find any parking because it was so packed. I thought everyone would've left by now.

I picked Imani up and walked into the school. It was loud and all the noise was coming from the gym.

I walked past the gym into Robyn's office. She wasn't in her office but the door connecting her office to Beys was open.

I put Imani down in Robyn's office then walked into Beys. Robyn was on the floor cleaning up. The desk was actually on its side, I didn't know Bey was actually flipping tables.

"What happened? Where's Bey?"

"She left after quitting."


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