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this chapter is all over the place


I felt like a child on punishment. That's how Bey was treating me at least.

It was like Imani noticed Bey was mad at me and started acting like she was mad at me too. She's such a sellout.

I decided to spend the rest of my day in bed after I noticed the dog side eying me too.

Bey came into the room a couple hours later. "Are you coming with us to Kelly's house?"

"Us?" If she says the dogs coming too Im booking a flight back home.

"Me and Imani. Are you coming?"

I wanted to say something about the fact that she thought she was taking my daughter anywhere without me. Instead, I nodded and stood up.

"Alright, start to get ready. We have some time left but I don't know how long you take to get ready."

I nodded again and walked past her to the bathroom.

I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when she walked in. She scooted past me and didn't even do the scuse me thing.

"Bey." I turned around to face her. She was digging in something, probably looking for stuff so she could do her hair.

"Hmm?" She didn't stop once to look up at me or anything.

"Can you at least look at me?"

She stood up and looked at me. "Yes Onika?"

"Can you stop being like this with me?"

"Do you know who acts like this all the time? You. You're constantly short with me but you're like this all the time, not just a couple hours. It doesn't feel good, does it."

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'll stop being jealous and start being nicer and whatever else you want, can you stop being mad at me?" I pulled her closer to me by her waistband, I learned she likes that.

"Onika sucking my dick isn't going to fix anything. Keep your hands away from my pants."

"Do you have to use such vulgar language? I'm not even doing that."

"Then what are you doing?" The whole time I've been slowly pulling her hands down.

"I just think you should wear your pants like this instead." I didn't get far past the band of her boxers so it looked natural.

"You want other women to see my math boxers?"

"It would probably make them never want speak to you so, yeah. Where's Imani?" I started to pull her pants slowly down again.

"Watching tv with Ginny. Don't start something you can't finish Onika."

"Why? You're hard?"

"Check for yourself." Oop.

Since we were both being bold, I put my hand in her boxers and grabbed her dick. I'm pretty sure she was hard but I can never be sure with Bey.

I looked up at her and smiled, she was already smiling at me like my hand wasn't around her dick.

"Do you want me to do something about that?"

"Your mouth looks pretty small, no thanks." She thinks she's funny.

"My mouth is actually pretty big, stop." I turned to the mirror and opened my mouth to see how big it was.

She came behind me and pressed herself against me, she was definitely hard.

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