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After running around damn near the entire state of California with Kelly, I was on my way to Onikas house.

It was getting late but Kelly and I were having fun.

When I got there, I used my spare key and opened the door.

Before I could see anything, I could smell food. I could also hear loud talking voices.

I walked into the kitchen where they all were. Onika was cooking, Imani was sitting on the floor, and Amir was leaning against the sink talking to Onika.

"Hey y'all."

"BeyBey!" Imani jumped off the floor and I picked her up.

"You're just walking in here like you like here now, huh?" Amir couldn't even laugh before Onika hit him with a wooden spoon.

"Shut up. Hey baby." She turned around and pecked my lips. Amir and Imani both said 'eww' at the same time.

We just ignored them. "What are you cooking?"

"Chicken, sorry."

"It's okay, I ate before I came."

I whispered something in Onikas ear and she thought for a second then nodded her head.


"BeyBey?" She tried to use a funny deep voice, I don't know if she was trying to sound like a man or me.

"Do you want to skip school tomorrow and come with me to work? It's take your child to work day and I want you to come with me."

I should've asked earlier but I didn't know about it until I got an email about it a couple days ago. 

"But I'm not your child?"

"Well you kinda are, right? I love you like you are."

Her eyes widened and she smiled, "You love me?!"

I couldn't stop myself from smiling. "Of course I do, why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know. What about Mir?"

"What about him?" Amir smacked his lips and I laughed.

"I'm just kidding. He goes to school there so now I can't take him."

"I can't just stay in your office? You let everyone else skip in your office."

"Stop lying." I only let my favorite students.

"This isn't fair. Why does she get to skip school and I don't?"

"She doesn't do anything but color and play, she can miss a day. I'll make you a deal. Let's play basketball one on one and if you score on me five times before I get to ten points, I'll let you skip my class only."

"Five? That's slight work, deal."

He says that now but he'll see. I'm not about to go easy on him like I did with Onika.

"Bey remember when we played basketball and I beat you?"

"I don't recall. I remember you pressing against me and falling on your butt and me having to give you a massage for your cramp."

"That didn't happen. It's okay to be embarrassed that you lost to a 5'3 woman who doesn't even play basketball."

She literally just made that up..?

"Amir let's just go outside, your mom's delusional."

We went outside and of course I won. Imani was the referee and halfway through, Onika came out to boo me and cheer for Amir. She's fake.

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